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4 basic principles of rebounding

Jon Acuff is the author of Do Over:Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Job and Never Get Stuck and Quitting:Bridging the Gap Between Your Day Job and Your Dream Job . Here are his tips for starting over:
Related: The Pursuit:5 Steps to Creating Your Dream Career, the Jon Acuff Way
1. Starting over isn't a one-step process.
There are two things I believe about people:you're capable of more than you think, and it's going to be harder than you think. think so. The first is about hope and the second is about a plan. My belief about a career transition is that you get hope, you get inspired, you give yourself empowerment to have a redesign, and the second part is that you have a plan to execute it.

2. Brush up on your skills, old and new.
When you realize that being stuck doesn't have to be your final destination – that there are things you can do, there are skills on which you can work on – which can be really exciting. It is this idea that I see this thing that I do, but I know that it is not my final destination.
3. Rate yourself.
The first thing to say to yourself:work doesn't have to be boring. It doesn't have to be average. It can actually be significant; you can actually do something that matters. The second step is starting to see where you really are.
4. Prepare to get attached.
You read a lot of books that say, "OK, so the goal is to do less and less work with your life." And my goal is the opposite. It's to do more and more of the work you love. And I think that concerns a lot of people. I've had stay-at-home moms say, "I'm not going to believe the lie that I'm just a stay-at-home mom." I can also do things. And all of that involves work. Work is not the enemy.
Related: How to start over

This article originally appeared in the June 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine.