Family Best Time >> Work

Four lame excuses at work

"I didn't know it was up to me to follow this file. »

It implies that we did not understand the whole project and that we are not involved. we will look like a passive girl who totally lacks initiative, even ambition.

“I lost my computer file. »

Blaming the technique was good ten years ago, but today we know that there are backups, that an email is not lost, etc. we will be taxed as zero in computer science. Rather penalizing.

“My bus was stuck in the tunnel for 1 hour. »

This is an argument supposed to attract understanding. except that if we use this excuse often, it will not be credible. you will be seen as a liar at worst and a disorganized person at best.

“It’s the accounting’s fault. »

The "it's not me, it's the other, sir", it sounds a bit immature, which is a weakness in the work. in front of the boss, it is better to explain the problem and the solution that we have imagined.