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The four primary work styles in every workplace

Each of us is a composite of four work styles, although most people's behavior and thinking are closely related to one or two. All styles bring actionable perspectives and a distinctive approach to idea generation, decision making and problem solving. Below are the four primary work styles that you will find in every workplace according to research by Harvard Business Review.

Pioneers value possibilities, and they spark energy and imagination on their teams. They believe that risks are worth taking and that it's okay to trust your gut. Their focus is on the big picture. They are drawn to bold new ideas and creative approaches.

Protectors value stability, and they bring order and discipline. They are pragmatic, and they are hesitant to embrace risk. Data and facts are basic requirements for them, and the details matter. Guardians think it makes sense to learn from the past.

Drivers value challenge and generating momentum. Seeing results and winning are the most important. Drivers tend to see problems as black and white and tackle problems directly, armed with logic and data.

Integrators value connection and bringing teams together. Relationships and responsibility in the group are paramount. Integrators tend to believe that most things are relative. They are diplomatic and focused on getting agreement.

Teams that bring these styles together should, in theory, enjoy the many benefits of cognitive diversity, ranging from increased creativity and innovation to better decision-making.