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End of vacation:5 tips for getting back into the swing of things

We gradually reset our sleep

A few days before the resumption, we try to get back to a good rhythm. Ideally, we go to bed earlier and we force ourselves not to get up too late, so as to gradually reduce the lag caused by the holidays. For those who generally have trouble falling asleep, a little physical exercise during the day (and especially not just before bedtime!) will make it easier to sleep.

We adapt our diet accordingly

On vacation, we eat just about anything and at any time. So before the recovery, we resume the good habits of the year. That is to say, eat your meals on a regular basis and if you can, at a fixed time. And we're talking about real balanced meals here, not the mozzarella tomatoes that we devoured at 3 p.m. before sipping a mojito.

We resume work in the middle of the week (if possible)

To avoid the back-to-school blues, one tip is to get back to work in the middle of the week to get back into the swing of things smoothly. The golden rule of a good return? Don't overload yourself. We start by escaping the 1,454 emails accumulated in our inbox, conference calls, meetings and others can wait until tomorrow… Then, we take the time to discuss with our colleagues to find out what we missed.

We keep our good holiday habits

Holidays are often an opportunity to set up new practices:go for a morning jog by the sea, take more time to take care of yourself, take a nap... These positive practices promote our well-being. so why lose them so quickly? We try to prolong them for a few weeks and very quickly, they will become habits of our daily life.

We don't let ourselves be won over by the stress of back to school

After the idleness of the holidays, the last days of vacation are quite often a source of stress and anxiety. Here is a simple exercise that will help us manage the recovery:in a seated position, with our eyes closed, we visualize ourselves sitting quietly at our desk, consulting our files and emptying our mailbox while having a nice day, without stress. On D-Day, you can also arrive earlier to take advantage of the calm and get back to work quietly. Finally, to combat the pressure, we prioritize the tasks and we make a list in order to sort out what is urgent and what is less so.

Then we don't forget that for a good return to work the key is to stay positive, and the back-to-school blues will pass by itself!