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3 tips for getting a job via social media

1 – We show up on Linkedin and Viadeo.

In terms of functionality, both are equal, even if Linkedin offers a bit more cool free options. To get in touch with someone, it is better to be introduced by a common contact. And always add a personalized introductory message. We also fill out our profile as much as possible, we participate in discussion groups, we are interested in the news of our contacts and we ask for written recommendations (it always has its effect). The must ? Do not wait to be in active search to get started.

2 – We hijack Facebook and Twitter.

On Twitter, we position ourselves as an expert, by actively monitoring topics and information concerning our field of activity (graphics, new technologies, bio, social, etc.). We also discuss less formally with potential pro contacts (we follow the influential people of the companies that connect us). Without spending hours there, we show up regularly. On Facebook, watch out for the mix of genres! The must ? Create a pro page different from your personal account and more open. We then add apps that transform our personal network into a professional network like Beknown (to invite Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin contacts) or Branchout (exchanges of recommendations). Pay attention to the consistency of our profiles:our information must correspond with that of Linkedin and Viadeo.

3 – We unearth our niche network.

The goal ? Better target our contacts by registering on more specialized communities, related to our job. for digital pros, for young graduates but also for lawyers...