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10 proven ways to create your personal brand image

Admit it or not, if you want to do business, you want to do it with other people, not companies. Implementing a strong personal brand allows you to reach your customers more, which, in fact, can significantly increase conversion rates and sales.

SummaryGet a logoBe youMake friends onlineMeet friends offlineStart a websiteProvide value to your consumersWork constantlyFocusLearn to say noTry it!Summary

But, how exactly do you build a personal brand?

Honestly, there is no single formula that can make you successful overnight. It will take a lot of hard work and commitment before you can be successful in this kind of business. But, to help you out, here are 10 simple yet proven ways to build your personal brand image.


10 proven ways to create your personal brand image

If you want to create a personal brand that people can easily identify, you will need a logo. It will be the visual representation of your brand, so you have to be very careful how you go about creating it. You can go easy or complicated, depending on your style and the people you want to connect with.

Logotypes are very effective, even if they are sometimes plain and simple. You can create your brand name and print it on your favorite font. This choice can save you time and money, especially if you don't have enough moolah to spend on hiring a good designer.

While designing a logo used to be an expensive and time-consuming process, logo makers have come a long way in recent years and are rapidly overtaking humans as go-to tools for creating affordable, eye-catching logos.


Be you

When creating a personal brand, it's understandable that many people work so hard to impress their target audience. After all, the more you impress them, the more likely they are to patronize your brand, right?

Well, that's not always the case.

You see, consumers prefer to see the true personality behind a brand. And if you seem NOT authentic, they are likely to leave you. So, show your true personality. Use social media to create an honest profile that your consumers can identify with.

Making friends online

When it comes to personal brands, having influencers can be one of your greatest assets. These people can share your brand, stories, and posts with their respective target audience, which can dramatically expand your reach.

Apart from that, you should also be more active online. Join forums related to your niche and engage in online conversations relevant to your business. Create a personality that people trust. Take advantage of social media to make your online presence felt.

Meet friends offline

While online influence is essential, you can't just limit your connections to the confines of the internet. Go out and meet people offline. Attend local events within your industry and start building friendships with everyone you meet. Expanding your circle and your networking means expanding your influence.

Start a website

If you want to make a name for yourself online, there should be somewhere people can go if they want to learn more about you and your brand. This is where a website plays a major role, especially the About Me page.

There are tons of tools you can use to build a decent website. You can get them for free or for a fee, but make sure you only get what you'll need. Buying complicated tools and not using them will only be a waste of resources.

Deliver value to your consumers

10 proven ways to create your personal brand image

Your personal brand should reflect your true self, but it shouldn't be just about you. Instead, focus on your audience and what they really want. Create content to not only satisfy their needs, but to keep them coming back for more.

Make sure you provide them with something unique so you can stand out from your competition. Research what interests your readers and the products and services they talk about the most. Finding areas of unique perspective will give you a leg up on the competition.

And remember to be relevant. Be the source of information for your consumers and you will easily develop your authority in the industry.

Work constantly

Being consistent can take a lot of work and commitment, but it's a great way to ensure your personal brand grows. If you're inconsistent, you just risk confusing and boring your audience to the point that they'll search for something better.


The initial phase of building a personal brand can be daunting, especially if you only have a few followers. If you want to make it big, don't focus on numbers and pay more attention to your goal.

Talk like you're talking to hundreds of people. Write as if the whole world is reading your content. You'll be surprised how much that kind of dedication and focus can change your business.

See also:Finding the best time to post on social media sites

Learn to say no

In your quest to establish authority, chances are you will come across other people and businesses who will want to work with you. Before you agree, think first. Make sure these people and companies match your brand, your vision and your personality.

Your work, as well as your actions, will reflect your brand, so be careful in what you do and in the decisions you make.

Try it!

Although preparation is key, too much planning can get in the way of you getting started. In fact, if you wait too long to start, you might not start at all.

So don't wait for everything to be perfect before you start. With your limited resources, start building your authority, reach out to people, and be consistent with your work. After all these things, success will surely follow.

In summary

Building a personal brand isn't that easy, especially with so many people aspiring to create their own. If you want to be successful, you need to know exactly what you want to achieve.

Be yourself in creating your personal brand while staying relevant and focused on your consumers. Take advantage of technology and use tools that can make the process much easier. Be consistent and don't wait too long to start.