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Innovative ideas to get your group or team brand noticed

Eighty-eight percent of people around the world recognize McDonald's golden arches. It is the most iconic brand symbol ever created. Brand awareness has helped millions of businesses attract new customers and retain existing customers.

Contents1. Choose a voice on social networks2. Killer Loot3. Sponsorship Benefits4. Tell a story5. Influencer MarketingMake your team the brand of the next golden arches

And if you're part of a branding team, you might be wondering how to join these successful companies and get your brand noticed. All you have to do is read this article on innovative branding ideas for any business.

1. Choose a voice on social networks

It's not enough to constantly post on all social media sites (although consistent posting is helpful). You also need to establish a clear voice for your brand that your customers identify with. The voice or tone you choose has common values ​​and interests with the audience, which attracts them and keeps them engaged.

Think about the voice that reflects the core of your product or service. Make sure all your marketing consistently uses this voice.

2. Killer Loot

Don't underestimate the power of a free t-shirt. It's easy to build brand awareness and customer recognition when you create marketing materials like apparel, water bottles, or thumb drives. You might even consider designing a custom patch with your brand logo.

3. Sponsorship Benefits

How do you use existing customers to win new ones? Try a referral program! You can offer customers a discount or free service when they introduce your product or service to a friend or family member.

You can also use this strategy with social media. When a customer tags your brand online, you can enter them to win a raffle or offer some other perk. Your brand gets referrals and the customer gets something awesome in return!

4. Tell a story

Trying to build your brand image? Stand out from the competition when you share a compelling story. Think about how your product or service solves a problem your audience may have. Now tell the story from start to finish.

And if you don't want to create a fictional case study, research a real one. Talk to existing customers to find someone who might be willing to share their experience with your brand. Use the story to sell to others and build brand awareness.

5. Influencer Marketing

When you partner with an influencer, you can achieve your marketing goals in weeks. Influencers reach thousands or even millions of viewers with each post. If you can find an influencer to endorse your team's brand, the numbers will grow exponentially.


Take your team's brand to the next level when you use these innovative solutions for marketing. Establish a unique voice, create a referral program, tell a story, or work with an influencer. And don't forget the swag! You have a great product or service to offer, so it's time to let your audience know about it!

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