Family Best Time >> Work

Holding up a mirror to yourself, important to do regularly!

Hello mother! Yes, you there! Do you ever hold up a mirror to yourself? Do you ever take a good look at yourself? And not fleetingly in a shop window when you do the shopping or in the rear view mirror of your car during your 'taxi ride' to your son or daughter's game. No, I mean really look. Hold up a mirror to yourself. Are you still aware of your feelings? Are you developing yourself? Do you consider what YOU want in your life? The mirror I held up to myself presented the bill to me hard.

Hold up a mirror to yourself; I was shocked

Recently I looked in the mirror and saw the fatigue and those extra wrinkles next to my eyes. Since when were these grooves there? I can't remember, but I did see that time has not stood still. The concept is also there:three school-age children eat up energy. I race to sports clubs and swimming lessons six times a week. Not to mention my needed help with homework, first crushes, flu epidemics, falls, fights, and so on. Time flies! Where have my dreams and ambitions gone in recent years?

Read also: the diaper pail era is over!

Don't get me wrong:Becoming a mother was my girlhood dream. Just like a vet, obstetrician or neonatologist, by the way, but all three did not materialize. Sometimes I still think that's a shame, but life doesn't always go the way you hoped.

In the maze of life I took one right turn. I have become a mother of three sweet, beautiful, naughty, sometimes annoying and blood-under-my-nails. My dearest wish has come true, how beautiful is that? Yet something still gnaws at me.

You are more than just a mother:take care of yourself!

You and I are more than just mother. We are ourselves, with all our wishes and dreams, possibilities and impossibilities. Oh yes, we have our obligations to others, but don't we also have an obligation to ourselves? Take care of yourself, then you can also take good care of others. It is not without reason that the safety protocol in an airplane is that you put the oxygen mask on yourself first, before you help your child put on the mask.

That mirror that I literally held up to myself was confronting. I had aged a few years, but what had I invested in myself? Most of the dreams and aspirations were still in my head. I put wishes aside so I could manage my family. In addition, I worked a bit, but was this work really what I liked? For things I really wanted to do, I made up an excuse. 'Too expensive', 'no time', 'too tired', just make it up. All the bears were in my way. Although, managing that family is something I really like to do. I just wish I could make more choices for myself. Do you know that?

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

…do I not put my dreams and ambitions aside?

I never had the ambition to become a real 'career woman', but somehow I think it's cool. Deep down, recognition of my talents would also be very nice. But to achieve my goals, I should really invest more in myself. From courses to a nice trip with husband or girlfriends. 'Make time, make time!', I think. That's why I think it's so clever how Joyce does that.

Yes, I'm going to make time for my ambitions and dreams. Until I can say:“Mirror, mirror on the wall, my dreams, ambitions and family go hand in hand.”