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Career opportunities decisive in employer choice

For women who have just started their careers or who belong to the millennials group, the opportunities that companies offer for career development are decisive. More than a third (35 percent) of the women surveyed have recently changed employers because the company offered too few career opportunities. This is apparent from a study by PwC among 4,792 professionals from seventy countries, including more than 200 from the Netherlands.

For 67 percent of women, positive role models within the company are important in their choice of employer. At the start of their career, this percentage rises to 76 percent. Especially in male-dominated sectors, such as fintech and construction, women value role models.

More than half of the women surveyed (56 percent) look at a company's progress on diversity in order to make an employer choice. Among starters, this percentage is even 61 percent. Diversity within the company is also decisive:61 percent of women factored this aspect into their decision to accept their most recent job. Both men and women rank career prospects, competitive wages and flexible working in the top 3 of employment conditions.