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Network mistakes you might make

Networking is an essential part of business. Whether you're trying to find new customers or connect with colleagues, it's part of success that you can do better when you're trying to climb the corporate ladder. Successful networking is more than just handing out your business card and shaking hands. Here are some network errors you might be making.

You don't give it a chance
Many people don't even try networking because they don't consider themselves a 'people person'. But chances are you're already making connections, through social media or work, so you might as well drop that excuse.

You think it's only good for job interviews
Many people think that networking only makes sense if you're looking for a new job at a new company, but that's not true. Building relationships and contacts improves your reputation in your industry because the more people you know, the more people hear your work ethic (good or bad!)

You believe it is a distraction
It's true that networking costs both time and money, but that's a career investment you should make when you consider the potential benefits you could gain from making just one good contact.

You say you are too introverted
It can be intimidating to show yourself, especially on busy occasions. But keep in mind that everyone probably feels the same, but you all have the same goal:to connect!

You act like a snob
If you think you should only network with the “big guys”, you're doing it all wrong. There is no such thing as an insignificant contact in business because you have no idea when it can be extremely useful to know someone. So don't be a snob.

You think you don't know anyone
If you're depressed because you think your Rolodex is empty, chances are you're all wrong. Your sphere of influence is much bigger than you think. Do not you believe it? Make a list and start with your family and friends and move on to people you know through them. Your list is probably much bigger than you think.

You put too much pressure on yourself
If you think you need to perform to network well, take a deep breath. It is not necessary to impress the whole room to make a good contact. Just being genuine, warm and friendly makes the biggest impression. Leave them with a smile on their face and they won't soon forget you.