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Eating better at work:it's possible!

Eating better at work:it s possible!

The National Health Nutrition Program, commonly known as PNNS, has been aiming for more than 20 years to raise awareness in France about the need for a healthy, balanced and varied diet. If the main objective of this awareness is to fight against obesity, which now affects 17% of the population Studies have shown that eating well also helps increase productivity at work.

Lack of time and organization? Discover all our tips for learning to eat healthy at the office!

What role does a healthy diet play in body and mind?

Eating healthy increases workplace productivity

Do you know the exceptional benefits of a healthy diet on productivity at work? Good eating habits have indeed very effective effects on the ability to concentrate and creativity. It is well known, a person thinks better on a full stomach! A charter of active establishments of the PNNS has therefore been drawn up to encourage managers to mobilize nutritional prevention actions within their company. Eating well has also been proven to prevent the risk of stress and depression.

A balanced diet:your body will thank you

Eating a balanced diet also means taking care of your body. You know the saying:“a healthy mind in a healthy body”, but did you know that the brain needs more than 40 nutrients to function at full capacity? These nutrient contributions are mainly filled by the diet which, to guarantee an optimal effect, must be balanced and varied. Eating healthy also means gaining energy and quality of sleep. Who has never suffered from insomnia after a dinner that was a little too hearty?

Eat healthy by forming good habits

Cooking yourself to vary the healthy pleasures

To stick to your good resolutions, nothing beats preparing your meals yourself! If cooking can sometimes take up precious minutes of your free time, it can make considerable savings and avoid waste . No more overconsumption:take the leftovers from your family Sunday meal for your lunch at the office! To better manage your organization, why not cook an extra portion during your meal the day before? You can also try out batch cooking . The principle is childish:prepare during the weekend all the meals for the week to come. Cook with family or friends and bond while having fun. Try your hand at ever more creative and original recipes and vary the pleasures!

Good meals on delivery

According to INSEE, the French spend around 55 minutes every day busying themselves in the kitchen. Are you running out of time and can't bring yourself to waste it in the kitchen? Do you know the healthy restaurants? This is the trend of the moment that considerably changes the situation on the bad reputation of meals in delivery often taxed as junk food! Eating healthy concretely does not mean eating less, but eating better! To do this, these establishments offer to meet all the nutritional needs necessary for the optimal functioning of the body, without skimping on the taste quality with a lot of surprising and daring culinary associations. Find them in one click on Tripadvisor or on your favorite delivery platforms like Uber eats or Deliveroo.

Say no to lunches on the go:take the time to eat

Did you know that according to a study by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), France was the world champion for time spent at the table? Two hours and eleven minutes are indeed spent on average each day for meals in homes in France. However, many employees do not allow themselves a real break and admit to having a quick lunch, on the go. Taking the time to eat is the basis of a healthy diet. The digestive argument is obvious, taking your time to eat does indeed avoid heaviness in the stomach, but this is not the only advantage.The lunch break helps to disconnect , literally and figuratively. Taking advantage of this time to get some fresh air or go to the restaurant with your colleagues helps to change your environment and strengthen team building and team cohesion. To consume without moderation!

Ideas for balanced yet tasty recipes

Who said that balance rhymes with deprivation?

Do you know the daily recommendations for a balanced meal? On average, we recommend nutritional intakes of 2,400 to 2,600 calories for a man and 1,800 to 2,000 calories for a woman, distributed as follows:a portion of meat, fish or eggs of at least 100g, 5 fruits and vegetables, 3 dairy products and 4 tablespoons of oil or 15 grams of butter. Water is to be consumed without moderation! To round off your balanced meal indulgently, let yourself be tempted by small sweet treats:a few small deviations never hurt anyone!

Put the small dishes in the big ones!

To eat healthy, eat in season! Get a seasonal calendar to guide you in your recipes and focus on balance above all. To warm up your winter days, prepare delicious, rich and flavorful homemade soups. A leek and squash soup will tastefully fill your nutritional intake with fibre, vitamins and potassium. If you are looking for exoticism for your lunch, make a surprising Vietnamese pho soup. Tip:soups can be frozen to ensure easy transport. For an amazing sweet and salty break, try a pomegranate and nectarine lentil salad recipe with chia seeds rich in protein and starch, perfect for replenishing your vitality!

Is snacking really bad for your health?

Who said snacking and healthy eating don't go together? The very notion of gluttony depends greatly on the product that you choose to taste during your pleasure breaks! If you're worried about skipping your snack time, opt forhealthy snacks that fit easily in your backpack. Cereal bars, mixed dried fruits, chewable vegetables or even fresh fruit salads are all foods that can be consumed at will. If you are struggling to tame your satiety and feel full, be sure to drink enough water:it is a natural appetite suppressant!

Thanks to all our advice, you hold all the cards for a healthy and balanced diet at the office. Reinvent your lunch breaks and regain creativity with a well-filled, healthy stomach.