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I adopt eco-driving

I adopt eco-driving

Car travel has a significant impact on the environment. If eco-driving limits the emission of pollutants, it also has other advantages:it saves money and improves road safety.

Eco-driving is not just about driving slower. It consists above all in adopting a more responsible behavior. According to the Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe), this mode of driving makes it possible to:"reduce expenses (lower fuel consumption, by around 15%, and vehicle maintenance costs reduced); limit greenhouse gas emissions, which are responsible for climate change, and reduce the risk of accidents by 10 to 15% on average”.

Getting ready to hit the road

The first rule to “ride better” is to anticipate. Before leaving, you must lighten your vehicle as much as possible. The weight of the latter has, in fact, a direct impact on fuel consumption:100 additional kilograms lead to overconsumption of 5%. Accessories such as roof boxes, roof racks or bicycle racks, in addition to adding mass, increase air resistance and accentuate this phenomenon. It is also necessary to maintain your car regularly, check the levels and the pressure of the tires. “A pressure of 1.5 bars instead of 2.5 bars leads, for example, to an overconsumption of fuel of 6%”, indicates Ademe. In addition to taking care of his means of transport, the eco-driver must prepare his journey. GPS is therefore an essential tool. It allows you to avoid detours and therefore travel miles for nothing, but also to leave on time and predict traffic.

Ride smoothly

Once installed at the wheel, it is recommended to move forward at a moderate speed at the beginning of the journey because it is when the engine is cold that pollution is the most important. This generally arrives at the right temperature after 5 kilometers. Then you have to change gears at the right time. “For a petrol engine, upshift quickly between 2,000 and 2,500 engine rpm; for a diesel engine, this change is at 2,000 revolutions per minute on average”, recommends Ademe. Anticipation is, again, the key to eco-driving. Using the engine brake in particular makes it possible to avoid sudden and unnecessary braking. This technique reduces brake wear while improving passenger comfort. It also has a definite impact on road safety since, as other drivers are not surprised by a sudden change in speed, the risk of triggering a pile-up is minimal. The on-board instruments, such as the cruise control, are also valuable aids for smooth and constant driving, believes the Road Safety Association. On the other hand, it is better not to abuse the air conditioning. When it works, it increases consumption by 1 to 7% depending on the climate, the vehicles and the uses. Finally, as soon as a stop lasts more than thirty seconds, it is interesting to switch off the engine, "this allows significant savings while preserving the starting device", underlines Ademe.

Geco air, an application to reduce fuel consumption

Developed by IFP Energies Nouvelles (Ifpen), with the support of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe), the Geco air application uses smartphone sensors (speed and acceleration) to analyze driving. The user then receives advice on how to adapt their behavior and thus reduce their polluting emissions when traveling by car. Available for free on Google Play and the App Store.