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Keeping animals:idea of ​​additional salary for retirement

Keeping animals:idea of ​​additional salary for retirement

More than 500,000 retirees continue to work, in particular to supplement the income provided by their retirement pension. It can be working full time or only a few hours that allow you to collect additional resources, but also to be useful. Given their skills and experience, retirees have the opportunity to find a new activity in many areas, such as offering their services as a nanny for young children or tutoring students. It is also possible to reconcile love of animals and a welcome retirement salary supplement by keeping pets, whether at the owners' home or at home.

Are you cut out to supplement your retirement income by caring for animals?

If pets hold no secrets for you, if their presence is essential to you, if you are overflowing with affection for our four-legged companions, pet sitting is definitely for you! An activity which can, in addition, allow you to supplement your income once you retire, of the order of 10 to 30 euros per day depending on the animal, its needs and its conditions of care.

No less than one in two households has at least one pet in France. A buoyant market for retirees in particular wishing to offer their care services to pet owners during their holidays, during the day when they work, or in the event of unforeseen absences.

Keeping animals can provide you with gainful employment for a few hours a day, a week, or for longer periods of time. Indeed, what is commonly called today pet sitting is becoming more and more widespread and is available in several ways, from a simple walk for a few hours during the day to full-time childcare.

It is thus possible to offer pet sitting services at the home of their owners, for example if the latter are away for a long time. Retirees, who inspire confidence, are in high demand for this type of service. Pet owners know that they are leaving their favorite animal in good hands, that they will be pampered, and moreover without changing the habits and landmarks of their companion.

The pet sitting activity can also be done at your home, for a day or for longer periods, especially if you have a garden, a major asset for owners looking for optimal care conditions for their protege.

How to find pet sitting jobs after retirement?

It's decided, your love of animals, and your need for additional income to supplement your retirement pension, push you to take the plunge to offer your pet sitting services.

But how to do it ? How can you be put in touch with owners who are precisely looking for people they can trust to look after their animal for a few hours a day or for a longer period?

Word of mouth is of course the first way to make known your wishes to keep pets in return for payment. Do not hesitate to talk about it with your entourage, friends, neighbours, etc. Also watch for classified ads in the local press or on specialized websites.

But be aware that today there are also many professional agencies whose main activity is to put in contact the owners of animals who need to have them kept regularly or during one of their prolonged absences. Most of the time these professionals have an online platform that you can easily find by browsing the Internet.

In addition, some of them are aimed exclusively at retired people who want to offer their paid pet sitting services.

To combine your retirement and income from a pet sitting activity, is it possible?

Once retired, it is possible for employees in the private sector, but also for self-employed workers under certain conditions, to combine their retirement pension with income from a new professional activity. This combination of employment and retirement is however regulated according to your situation as a retiree.

Indeed, people who meet all the eligibility conditions to obtain their basic pension and their supplementary pension, mainly those who have reached the legal retirement age, can resume a professional activity immediately once retired. , and combine their retirement pension and earned income without limit. This is particularly the case for people who have reached full retirement age (67 for those born in 1955 and later), or those who are 62 and have the insurance period necessary to obtain a pension. at full rate.

Retirees who do not meet these conditions cannot, on the other hand, fully combine their pension and income from a professional activity. In this case, the monthly total of this income and their retirement pension (basic and supplementary scheme) must not exceed the monthly average of their earned income for the last 3 calendar months (or 1.6 times the minimum wage if this amount is more advantageous). If this is the case, the amount of the pension is reduced.