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Becoming a nanny:idea of ​​additional salary for retirement

Becoming a nanny:idea of ​​additional salary for retirement

For many, retirement means a drop in income. This is why more than 500,000 retirees continue to exercise a professional activity today. Sometimes to maintain a link with the active world, but more often to supplement their income. Among the jobs occupied by retirees, choosing to offer their services as a nanny is often chosen by seniors. An activity close to their role as grandparents with all its pleasant side, but also very appreciated by parents who are looking for a nanny for their children for whom seniors inspire confidence.

Can you combine a job as a nanny and your retirement to supplement your income?

Once retired, it is possible for employees in the private sector, but also for self-employed workers under certain conditions, to combine their retirement pension with income from a new professional activity. A good way to stay connected to active life for those who wish, but also a valuable solution for those who do not benefit from a significant retirement, or who have seen their income drop significantly after stopping their professional activity.

This accumulation of employment and retirement is however regulated according to your situation as a retiree.

Thus, people who fulfill all the conditions for granting their basic pension and their supplementary pension, in particular the legal retirement age, can resume a professional activity immediately once retired, and accumulate without limits their retirement pension and earned income. This is the case for people who have reached full retirement age (67 years for those born in 1955 and later), or those who are 62 years old and have the insurance period necessary to obtain a pension at the full.

Retirees who do not meet these conditions cannot fully combine their pension and income from a professional activity. In this case, the monthly total of this income and your pension (basic and supplementary scheme) must not exceed the monthly average of earned income for the last 3 calendar months (or 1.6 times the minimum wage if this amount is more advantageous). If so, your pension amount is deducted.

Note:for those who have benefited from their basic pension since the 1 st January 2015, practicing a professional activity while retired no longer allows you to create new pension rights.

How to find a nanny job when you're retired?

Depending on your situation as a retiree, you therefore have the right to combine, in whole or in part, your retirement and income from a professional activity.

Choosing to work as a nanny very often turns out to be a good solution to supplement your retirement income. Indeed, seniors inspire confidence and many parents are ready to delegate the care of their children to elders, who have experience in the matter, and who most often really take this "great work" to heart. parent” by proxy.

In addition, it is very easy for parents to hire a retiree to look after their children, for example through the Universal Employment Check scheme (Cesu) or the Pajemploi+ service.

Go through a specialized service

Word of mouth is most often the best way to find children to look after when you are retired and want to work to supplement your income. Family, friends, neighbours, etc., are very good relays to make known around them your wish to offer your services as a nanny!

Nevertheless, if you wish to extend your research, you have the possibility of going through agencies specializing in putting parents and nannies in touch with each other who are looking to look after children for a few hours a week, or more, pick them up at school, or taking them to sporting or cultural activities.

Some of these companies are even dedicated especially to seniors who offer their services in this way.

Distribute classified ads

There is also nothing better, to be the nanny when you are retired, and thus improve your income, than to go through classified ads.

There are many possible media, from classic classified ads in local newspapers to well-known online platforms, through the installation of small posters in shops, at the entrance of schools and nurseries in the neighborhood.