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A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

The veil of hidden secrecy has been lifted from the latest edition of Microsoft Office. Office 2016 hype is still lagging behind the Windows 10 hype camp, but after the July 29 Windows 10 release, when does Windows 10 come out, how can you get it, and what happens to the technical preview? ? When is Windows 10 coming out, how can I get it, and what about the technical preview? Windows 10 is coming soon. Still confused about how the update will work and wondering about the timeline? We have some answers, although more questions remain. Read More

Office 2016, like Windows 10, has been redesigned in a revised spirit of Microsoft. Office 2016 is built from the ground up with mobile and cloud users in mind, joining Microsoft's growing fleet of productivity apps. Microsoft is nurturing cross-platform productivity tools Microsoft is nurturing cross-platform productivity tools. it's always growing. We've compiled an overview of the apps that keep you running smoothly. We also explore how the new additions will improve the current suite. Read more . Office is, by and large, a different set of tools from days gone by. We are not limited to the top five or fewer products, and we can extend the functionality of the Office ecosystem using a wide range of add-ins and Power Up Excel templates with 10 add-ins to process, analyze and visualize data. Like a Pro Power Up Excel with 10 add-ins to process, analyze and visualize data like a Pro Vanilla Excel is awesome, but you can make it even more powerful with add-ins. Whatever information you need to process, chances are someone has created an Excel application for it. Here is a selection. Read more.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

I'm using VirtualBox How to Use VirtualBox:User Guide How to Use VirtualBox:User Guide With VirtualBox you can easily install and test multiple operating systems. We will show you how to set up Windows 10 and Ubuntu Linux as a virtual machine. Read More However, using a virtual machine is a great way to explore different Office products, without having to uninstall your current package. I've also taken a look at Office 2016 on Windows 10 Build 10130. Verdict:good times.

Anyway, enough of that. Let's look at Office 2016.

New Summary

Much like the extended and inclusive testing phase of Windows 10, the Office 2016 Preview has now amassed over 1 million users, each providing valuable feedback, spread across Windows and Mac operating systems. Office 2016 comes with many key updates, some software-specific, some suite-universal.

What is notable is a consolidation and continuation of the Office user interface. Not much has changed as Microsoft integrates the upcoming Office 10 mobile apps for Windows, and a massive redesign now could alienate users looking to expand their Microsoft/Windows/Office experience, especially those cross-platform Microsoft Office for Mac users:It's Something different? Microsoft Office for Mac:Is it different? Traditionally there have been differences both good and bad between Windows and Mac versions, so we were wondering if this was still true today. Read more.

Click to run

Part of Microsoft's productivity ethic is to streamline operations. Office 2016 doesn't come as a gigantic download, but instead comes in a click-to-run format, streaming the installation directly to your system when needed. We've seen this before, but it seems like a good step forward from Microsoft.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

Of course, around the release of Autumn there will be an offline installer package, but this is quite useful if, like me, you no longer have a drive and bandwidth is not a limitation.

Tell me Box

the Tell me The box is a nice addition to the Office tabs and ribbons toolbar How to Modify the Windows and Office Ribbon Menu How to Modify the Windows and Office Ribbon Menu That annoying ribbon menu. Since its introduction in Office 2007, I have been struggling to come to terms with it. I much preferred the Office 2000/2003 method of “hiding” Tools you don't use often... Read More It acts as an extended help functionality. that really helps. For example, typing “change the look of the table” immediately brings up a dropdown menu with Table Styles, Add Table and more, plus the new Smart Search option. More on that in a bit.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

The Tell Me box has echoes of fallen antiheroes. Clippy (who doesn't be making a return), but just this once, it's really really helpful and unobtrusive.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

One drawback to this system is what makes it great:its ease of use. I learned to use Word and Office by clicking on the menus. If you use this system all the time, you'll be fine, but you'll never learn where the individual menus are nested. New Office users suddenly faced with an old version could run into problems.

Smart search

Smart Search, or Bing Insights It's one of the best new features coming with Office 2016. It's a relatively advanced search tool directly connected to the Bing search engine. After highlighting a single word, sentence, or even a paragraph, you can press L , or right-click and select Smart Search . So you are treated to the Insights sidebar that, depending on your selection and the software you are using, will provide you with very useful information.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

For example, a single selection of words in Word will return a range of definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. In Excel, define numeric. Honestly, in the latter, Smart Lookup could use a little more exploration, perhaps letting Smart Lookup define the standard formulas included with Excel, and explain some of the math formulas to boot. This, like the Tell me bar, will become a very useful tool..

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

You can try this in Office 2016 Preview, but it's also available on Office Online Don't pay for Word! 5 reasons why you should use Office Online Don't pay for Word! 5 reasons why you should use Office Online Office Online is the free, cloud-connected version of Microsoft Office. The limitations are offset by features, useful even for desktop Office users. Best of all is its Read more. Go look!

New themes and backgrounds

This is very simple. Microsoft has introduced some very nice new backgrounds, and we can alter our theme in a range of colors. Quite why you would want to do it is beyond me, but the option is there nonetheless. I've gone with the rather natty Black theme with Circles and Stripes, because YOLO, and you can see the before and next shot below.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

Office Updates

Office can now update itself whether you like it or not. As Microsoft shifts the emphasis of updating, Pros and Cons of Forced Updates in Windows 10 Pros and Cons of Forced Updates in Windows 10 Updates will change in Windows 10. Right now you can pick and choose. Windows 10, however, will force updates on you. It has benefits, like improved security, but it can also go wrong. More so... Read More There will be options to control the regularity of these updates closer to the release date, but at this time Microsoft hasn't given us much information about these processes other than Update Now , or Disable updates .

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes


Microsoft has tightened the security protocols in Office 2016. This means more control over sensitive data and more flexibility with who can view and edit your files.

  • Data loss protection: DLP will be available in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and will allow administrators to centrally manage data policies for content creation and document sharing. We'll also look at hints and tips on policy when those lines are crossed.
  • Information rights management: IRM already existed, but it has been extended to protect Visio files, protecting your data both on and offline.

Office 2016:Word

The new version of Word brings one of the biggest missing features in recent years:real-time co-authoring. This is one of the biggest selling points for the Office alternative. Google Docs Microsoft Office for Android vs. Google Docs:Which is better? Microsoft Office for Android vs. Google Docs:Which is better? Read More Unfortunately, I didn't test it, as this feature hasn't been tested yet.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

Aside from the introduction of the Tell Me bar, not much has changed for Word. Don't get me wrong, this is not a bad thing. Word 2013 is great and I use it successfully every day, but maybe we'll see some other tweaks closer to the drop.

Office 2016:Excel

Excel is still, well, Excel, excelling at what it does best:numbers, data, analysis, and more. However, Microsoft has pushed Excel even further into the data analysis stratosphere. Visualize your data and make your spreadsheets easy to use with an Excel Dashboard. to make your data accessible. A dashboard allows you to present your most important data in an easy-to-digest format. Read More

  • Built-in business intelligence: Microsoft hasn't put it all under one roof, but there are more options for exporting to PowerBI. Power Query, an Office 2013 add-in, has become Office 2016 standard. Power Query used a built-in JSON parser, which has also made its way into Excel to help create visualizations.
  • Pivot Power: Essential Power Pivot Data Analysis Tool How to Use an Excel Pivot Table for Data Analysis How to Use an Excel Pivot Table for Data Analysis The Pivot Table is one of the most powerful tools in the Excel 2013 repertoire. frequently for big data analytics. Follow our step-by-step demo to learn all about it. Read More has received a power boost and can now compute and analyze millions and millions of rows of data. Automating data pooling will provide a deeper analytics experience, along with updates to the PivotTable and PivotChart.
  • One Click Forecast: Excel automatically scans your worksheets, looks for data trends, and extrapolates in graphs and charts.
  • New graphics: Microsoft has moved a number of companion charts to the standard build, including TreeMap, Sunburst, Waterfall, Histogram, and Pareto. Expect to see more charts appear as plugins after the fall release.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

Excel is still the same visually, and it will continue to hold its spreadsheet crown 5+ Cross-Platform Excel Alternatives for When You're Out of the Office of Excel when you work from Are you at home or switching from Windows to an alternative operating system? Chill out! Here are your cross-platform Excel alternatives. Leer más por un tiempo.

Office 2016:PowerPoint

PowerPoint, como Excel, permanece prácticamente intacto, con la adición de la barra de Dime Me, el único cambio significativo.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

La mayor innovación en PowerPoint es la integración continua de Office Mix para ayudar a los autores a preparar el contenido y para que los usuarios finales encuentren ese contenido más fácil. Office Mix agrupa los tipos de contenido, los organiza como diapositivas de PowerPoint y les permite saltar directamente a los bits que desean. Las mezclas se pueden compartir utilizando Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest y LinkedIn.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

Si bien esto apunta más hacia PowerPoint en línea, habrá un cruce gradual de servicios.

En realidad encontré lo mencionado. Dime Herramienta un excelente recurso en PowerPoint. No es mi herramienta de Office más fuerte, y tener la opción de pedir lo que quería era una adición bienvenida a la pantalla, y puedo ver que esta herramienta está siendo muy bien utilizada..

Office 2016:Outlook

Outlook, mi cliente de correo electrónico preferido Cómo leer el correo de Google en su escritorio Cómo leer el correo de Google en su escritorio El correo electrónico es una característica fundamental de la jornada laboral. Si está utilizando Gmail, podría preguntarse cómo puede salir del navegador y colocarlo en su escritorio. Here are your options. Leer más, ha alterado su manejo de archivos adjuntos. Esto es realmente un gran problema. La gestión de archivos adjuntos nunca ha sido un punto fuerte de Outlook, y ahora tenemos una lista masiva de nuevas y brillantes opciones para jugar.

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

Adjuntar archivo ahora ofrece un menú desplegable que ilustra sus 12 últimos elementos adjuntos. Esta lista se muestra tanto de fuentes externas como en línea, incluyendo Dropbox, Google Drive y, por supuesto, SharePoint y OneDrive. Si el archivo adjunto se almacena en línea, ahora puede elegir una de las tres opciones;

  • Insertar enlace de edición: El destinatario puede editar este documento
  • Insertar enlace de vista: El destinatario solo puede ver este documento
  • Adjuntar Copia: Todos reciben una copia del archivo.

Cuando Office 2016 llegue en otoño, me gustaría ver que la funcionalidad de esta herramienta se haya expandido ligeramente al ofrecer a los remitentes la oportunidad de cargar su documento sobre la marcha, a OneDrive y enviar un enlace a ese archivo..

Outlook ahora también cambia de tamaño en un pequeño giro al mercado de tabletas, como se puede ver en la imagen de abajo (Office 2013 a la derecha). En Office 2013, reducir el tamaño de la ventana de Outlook arruga lentamente su lista de carpetas hasta que son ilegibles. Outlook 2016 colapsa automáticamente la lista, ocultándola hasta que sea necesario con un muy práctico atrás button. De forma similar a los dispositivos con almacenamiento más pequeño, el almacenamiento de correo local ahora se puede cambiar entre 1, 3, 7 o 14 días, mientras que Outlook 2013 se establece de manera predeterminada en un mes..

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

Alguna cosa Microsoft Exchange Los administradores de la cuenta que estarán interesados ​​es que las cuentas de Exchange ahora deben crearse usando la configuración de Cuenta automática; ya no habrá soporte para cuentas creadas manualmente usando nombres de servidores directos. Esto significa que, a menos que su organización admita y publique información de detección automática, estará en el frío.

Herramienta de gestión de correo electrónico, Desorden , también vendrá a Outlook 2016. Clutter ya está disponible para los usuarios de O365, utilizando el Grafico de oficina para ayudar a administrar su bandeja de entrada de manera más eficiente. El desorden simula el aspecto del correo electrónico de tu mundo, la regularidad con la que interactúas con las personas, su ubicación y archiva rápidamente el correo más irritante que no es del todo spam. El desorden no es la eliminación de spam. Es una herramienta de aprendizaje automático diseñada para comprender la prioridad del correo y ofrecerle un servicio personalizado. Estoy deseando que llegue este!

A Preview of Microsoft Office 2016 Smart and Subtle Changes

Por último, siempre hay algo que esperar con ansias:las listas de correo no deseado de dominio de nivel superior actualizadas, que le ahorran a usted y a mí un montón de tiempo cada día..

Ganadores y perdedores

El mayor ganador de Office 2016 es claramente Outlook. La gestión de archivos adjuntos, la introducción de Clutter, los cambios en el almacenamiento de correo local y el cambio de tamaño mejorado me llevan a creer que será un año más o más a bordo del tren de Outlook.

En general, sin embargo, Office 2016 es agradable . No es sublime, es realmente agradable. Hay una consistencia estética en toda la suite, así como una continuación de Office 2013 que muchos usuarios apreciarán. Los cambios visuales, aparte de la introducción de la barra Tell Me, son relativamente mínimos..

Ha sido un período de actualización importante para Microsoft. Office ha sido un estándar de larga duración para Microsoft y con un número cada vez mayor de aspirantes al trono ¿Es la Nueva LibreOffice una alternativa mejor a Microsoft Office? ¿Es el nuevo LibreOffice una mejor alternativa de Microsoft Office? LibreOffice, un contendiente de Microsoft Office desde hace mucho tiempo, acaba de recibir un cambio de imagen y actualizaciones importantes. Después de haber sido reprimido por los errores de error a lo largo de los años, ¿LibreOffice finalmente encontró la fórmula ganadora? Leer más, ha sido importante consolidar una base de usuarios en expansión..

¿Son estos cambios lo suficientemente importantes para que cambie de Office 2013 a Office 2016? ¿Qué actualizaciones de la suite de Office facilitarían esa decisión??