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How to edit, merge and sign a PDF file for free

Many of us use PDF files on a daily basis. 4 Methods to Create and Edit PDF Files for Free 4 Methods to Create and Edit PDF Files for Free Of all the common file types found in our computing world, PDF is probably one of the most popular. restrictive, while at the same time being available to everyone (primarily to read)... Read More

Whether you're reading and creating PDF files for work, school, or a personal project, you'll benefit from knowing everything the format is capable of. It can help speed up your use and save you time, or give you the knowledge to fix a problem if your file becomes corrupted FileRepair1:Repair Corrupted or Corrupted Files FileRepair1:Repair Corrupted or Corrupted Files Read More .

Regardless of the details, a broader understanding of the format will help you use PDFs more effectively. Integrate these tips into your work, and you can be sure you're getting the best out of your PDF files.

Split it

The easiest way to split a PDF uses a rather unexpected tool:Google Chrome. The browser is probably already installed on your computer Getting a new computer, Part 3:Essential programs and how to install them efficiently Getting a new computer, Part 3:Essential programs and how to install them efficiently One of the best things The beauty of a new computer is that it can re-evaluate the programs you really need and even try new ones you may not have tried because you already had a... Read More

Open your PDF in Chrome by dragging the file into a browser window. Click the printer icon at the bottom of the screen and make sure Save as pdf is selected as the destination. Then, use the Pages Section to stipulate what to include in the resulting PDF. If you want to split the document in two, simply repeat the process twice using different page numbers.

How to edit, merge and sign a PDF file for free

When you're happy with your page range, simply click Save and choose a suitable place to store your document.

Merge multiple PDFs

If you want to adjust an existing PDF beyond just splitting it, you'll probably need a specialized tool to do it. PDF Split and Merge is a free option that offers many features, so it's worth installing on your computer.

To merge, open the app and go to the Merge / Extract tool. Use the Add to select the PDF files you want to merge, using the Page Selection field to specify if there are only certain pages you want to include from an individual document.

How to edit, merge and sign a PDF file for free

Once everything is in place, use the Destination Output File to select where the resulting file will be saved and press run .

Reduce file size with DjVu

PDF files aren't known for being particularly massive in terms of file size, but a long enough document can become a bit unwieldy, especially if you're looking to share it with others. To combat this, you can use a tool called PDF for DjVu GUI to keep things tight.

This utility works by converting a PDF to a different file type, the little-known DjVu. You will need a freely available viewer to open the resulting document. As a result, it's certainly not for everyone, but it can do wonders if you're in desperate need of a lighter file. BetaNews has more details on how to use the tool if you're curious.

Extract images from a PDF

There are times when you might want to grab the images from a PDF, but the way the format works means it's more difficult than you might expect. It's possible to simply crop screenshots of whatever content you want to extract, but there are much more convenient ways to complete the task, especially if you need to extract more than one image.

How to edit, merge and sign a PDF file for free

The web-based ExtractPDF service is perhaps the best option, as it will break the file into its component parts, including images, text, and metadata. However, depending on the type of document you are working with, it may not be appropriate to include it in an online tool. Fortunately, there are plenty of other options for extracting images from a PDF. 5 Tools to extract images from PDF files. 5 Tools to extract images from PDF files. Sometimes you need to extract images from a PDF file and use them in Word documents, web pages, and PowerPoint presentations. . Keep these five tools close at hand for work. Read more are available.

Create an interactive document

Whether you're creating a school report or a speech for the office, today's standards for an attractive document are incredibly high. There are countless ways to try to make your production as engaging as possible, but including an interactive element is a sure way to get your audience to take note of what you're saying.

Using a program like Adobe InDesign, you can add hyperlinks and multimedia content How to Create an Interactive PDF How to Create an Interactive PDF Interactive PDFs let you add video, audio, hyperlinks, and more to your documents. Here's how to create one using Adobe InDesign. Read More Of course, these additions won't make much of a difference to hard copies, but when viewed on a computer or other electronic device, they're sure to make an impact.

Edit your document online

Part of the appeal of the PDF format is that your document won't experience any changes in content or layout as it's transferred from one device to another, but there will likely be times when you need to make a few quick changes. Si no tiene el archivo original a mano, puede usar Word Online Word Online Updates con comentarios, mejoras de lista y notas Word Word Updates con comentarios, mejoras de lista y notas de pie La respuesta de Microsoft a Google Docs se ha actualizado para incluir comentarios , lista de mejoras, y notas. Lee más para hacer algunos ajustes, luego publícalo en PDF una vez más..

How to edit, merge and sign a PDF file for free

Abra su documento en Word Online y seleccione Editar en Word De las opciones en la parte superior de la pantalla. Realice todas las ediciones necesarias, luego guárdelo como PDF o imprímalo en PDF con su navegador.

Recuperar o reparar un archivo dañado

Un PDF importante que esté dañado o corrompido puede ser fatal si no ha realizado una copia de seguridad de su trabajo recientemente. Cosas que debe saber sobre la redundancia y las copias de seguridad Cosas que debe saber sobre la redundancia y las copias de seguridad La redundancia se confunde frecuentemente con las copias de seguridad. De hecho, los conceptos son relativamente similares, aunque con algunas diferencias importantes. Leer más - pero no todo está perdido. Puede dibujar en varios métodos diferentes que pueden potencialmente reparar un PDF dañado y ahorrarle el dolor de cabeza de volver a trazar sus pasos. La guía MakeUseOf para reparar y recuperar archivos PDF Cómo reparar o recuperar datos de un archivo PDF dañado Cómo reparar o recuperar datos de un archivo PDF dañado Si no puede abrir un documento PDF, es posible que esté dañado. Aquí está todo lo que puede hacer para arreglar un archivo PDF dañado. Read More tiene toda la información que necesita para cambiar una mala situación..

Firme su PDF

En los últimos años, las firmas digitales han pasado de ser una novedad a una práctica comercial ampliamente utilizada. Varios servicios ofrecen este tipo de funcionalidad, pero puede firmar un PDF con nada más que Adobe Reader.

Para ello, dirígete a la Herramientas pestaña de la aplicación y localice el Rellenar y firmar Opción, usando el menú desplegable para abrir el PDF deseado. Entonces podrás usar el Firmar Herramienta para seleccionar uno de varios estilos de firma digital y firmar el documento..

How to edit, merge and sign a PDF file for free

Vale la pena señalar que también puede utilizar Adobe Reader para solicitar una firma de otro usuario. Desde la pestaña Herramientas, simplemente seleccione Enviar para firma - aunque tendrá que tener una suscripción Pro activa para acceder a esta funcionalidad.

¿Tiene una sugerencia de PDF que desea compartir con otros usuarios? O un problema con el que necesitas ayuda? Únete a la conversación en la sección de comentarios a continuación..

Actualizado por Tina Sieber.