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How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

Formulas in Excel often use data and values ​​from other cells using references to those cells. If you have many formulas, the cell references can be confusing, making it hard to understand your formulas.

the Names Defined The Excel feature makes your formulas and other data less confusing and easier to understand. Instead of referring to a cell that contains a value or formula or cell range by row and column headers (A1, B2, etc.), you can use a defined name assigned to that cell or cell range.

Today we'll look at working with named cell ranges, including creating names, naming rules and scopes, and how to edit, delete, view, and use names.

Defined Names vs. Table Names in Excel

Do not confuse defined names with table names. An Excel table is a collection of data stored in records (rows) and fields (columns). Excel assigns a default name (Table1, Table2, etc.) to each table you create, but you can change the names.

Previously we introduced you to Excel Tables 8 Tips to Learn Excel Fast 8 Tips to Learn Excel Fast Not as comfortable with Excel as you'd like? Get started with simple tips for adding formulas and managing data. Follow this guide and you'll be up to speed in no time. Read More How to use an Excel pivot table for data analysis. How to use an Excel pivot table for data analysis. It is frequently used for big data analysis. Follow our step-by-step demo to learn all about it. Read more . For more information on tables in Excel, see Microsoft's support page on creating tables.

Rules for defined names in Excel

When creating defined names in Excel, you must follow certain rules. For example, defined names cannot contain spaces, and the first character must be a letter, an underscore (_), or a backslash (\).

For a complete list of naming rules, see the "Learn about naming syntax rules" section of this Microsoft support page.

Scope for names defined in Excel

The scope of a defined name in Excel refers to where the name is recognized without qualification, such as a sheet name or workbook file name. Each name can have a local worksheet level scope or a global workbook level scope.

For more information about the scope of a defined name, see the “The scope of a name” section of this Microsoft support page.

Create a named range in Excel

You have a few different options for creating named ranges in Excel. You can define names using the Name in the Formula bar, using the header cell text for a group of selected cells, or using the New name dialog box.

The names do not have to refer to the cells. You can use a name to label a value or formula that you use in many places in your workbook.

When defining a name for a cell or range of cells, absolute cell references are used by default.

Define a name using the name box

Using the Name box is the easiest way to define a name for a group of cells. Defining a name using Name box creates names only scoped to the workbook level, which means the name can be referenced anywhere in the workbook it was created in without adding any sheet names or workbook file names.

We'll cover another method that allows you to create worksheet-level names later.

Use the Name box to define a name, do the following:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells you want to name.
  2. Type the name you want in the Name Click the box on the left side of the formula bar and press Enter .

Be sure to follow the naming rules above.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

Define a header name Cell Text

If you have added row or column headers to your data, you can use these headers as names.

To define a name from a header, do the following:

  1. Select the cells you want to name, including the label on the row or column.
  2. About the Formulas tab, click Create from selection in the Defined names section, or press Ctrl + Shift + F3 .

If the tag contains spaces or other invalid characters, such as an ampersand (&), they are replaced with an underscore.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

About Create names from selection dialog box, select the location of the header tag that you want to use as the name.

For example, the header tag in the image above is at the top of the selected column. Therefore, we check the Top Row box and click OK .

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

The name is a workbook level name and is applied to all selected cells except the header label cell. When you select the cells that the name refers to, without the header label cell, you will see the name in the Name box.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

Define a name using the New Name dialog

the New name the dialog box provides more options when creating names, such as specifying scope at the worksheet level or adding a comment to a name. Also the New name The dialog allows you to define a name for a value or a formula.

Use the New name dialog to name a cell or range of cells, start with the following:

  1. If you are defining a name for a cell or range of cells, select the cells you want to name. It doesn't matter which cells are selected if you are defining a name for a value or formula.
  2. About the Formulas tab, click Define name in the Defined names section.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

About the New name dialog box, specify the following information:

  • Name :Enter a name following the rules for defined names.
  • Scope :Default, Workbook is selected as the scope for the name. If you want to name the worksheet scope, select the worksheet you want in the Scope the dropdown list.
  • Comment :Add any notes you want to the name.
  • Refers to :The currently selected cells and the name of the active worksheet How to work with worksheet tabs in Excel How to work with worksheet tabs in Excel Worksheets in your Excel workbook are displayed as tabs at the bottom of the Excel window. We'll show you how to work better with Excel spreadsheet tabs. Read more (or tab) are automatically entered in the Refers to cash register. If you are defining a name for a value or formula, replace what is in the Refers to box with an equal sign (=) followed by the value or formula.

The button on the right side of the Refers to box allows you to minimize the New Name in the dialog box, and select cells in the worksheet to enter a range of cells. We'll talk more about how to use that button in the next section, “Editing a named range”.

When you have finished entering the information for the name, click OK to return to the worksheet.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

Edit a named range in Excel

Once you have defined a name, you can change the name, its comment and its reference.

To edit a defined name or named range, click Name Manager in the Defined names Formulas section tab.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

If you have a long list of names, you can filter them to find the one you want to edit.

Click Filter in the upper right corner of the Name Manager dialog box. Then select the types of names you want to display. You can select multiple filters by clicking Filter again and selecting another option.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

To clear all filters and display all names again, click Filter and select Clear Filter .

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

To change the name or comment, select the name you want to change and click Edit .

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

Change the Name or Comment , or both, and click OK .

You cannot change the Scope of an existing name. Remove the name and redefine it with the correct scope.

You can change the cells name Refers to about the Edit name cash register. But you can also do this directly in the Name Manager Dialog box, which we will do next. The method to change the Refers to The cell reference is the same in both dialogs.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

To change the cell or range of cells to which this name refers in the Name Manager dialog box, first select the name for which you want to change the cell reference. Then click the up arrow button on the right side of the Refers To box.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

The Name Manager dialog is reduced to just the Refers to cash register. To change the cell reference, do the following:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells in the worksheet.
  2. Click the button on the right side of the Refers to box.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

You'll see the new cell reference in the Refers To box and the fully restored Name Manager dialog box.

To accept the new cell reference, click the green check mark button. Or to revert the change to the original cell reference, click the black X button.

Click Close to close the Name Manager dialog box.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

View all names defined in an Excel workbook

The Name Manager the dialog lists all the worksheet level and workbook level names you have defined in your workbook, no matter which worksheet is currently active. But while the dialog is open, you can't work on your worksheet.

It can be helpful to have a list of names directly on the current worksheet. That way you can move around and decide which names need to be edited or which names you want to remove by referring to your list.

You can generate a list of directly in an empty area of ​​a worksheet. This list includes workbook level names and worksheet level names that are scoped to the currently active worksheet.

To start generating a list of names, do the following:

  1. Locate an empty area of ​​the current worksheet where two columns are available and select the cell that will be the top left corner of the list.
  2. In the Defined names Formula section tab, click Use in Formula and select Paste Names , or press F3 .

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

About the Paste name dialog box, click Paste List .

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

The names and their respective cell references, values, and formulas are pasted into the worksheet cells.

Now you can review your list and decide what to do with the names. You can delete this list in the worksheet once you no longer need it.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

Delete a named range in Excel

If you have some names that you no longer use, it's a good idea to delete them. Otherwise, your list of names gets messy and unwieldy.

To open the Name Manager , click Name manager in the Defined names Formulas section tab.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

About the Name Manager dialog box, select the name you want to delete and click Delete . Click OK in the confirmation dialog.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

Use names for quick navigation in Excel

If a name refers to a range of cells, you can use that name to quickly navigate to and select that range of cells.

To jump to a named range, click the down arrow on the Name on the left side of the Formula bar and select the name you want.

Worksheet-level names are only displayed in the Name drop-down list box if the worksheet they were created in is the currently active worksheet.

Also, you can type a name for a range of cells you want to jump to in the Name press and press Enter . But make sure you have already defined the name. Otherwise, it will apply that name to the currently selected cell or range of cells.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

Use names in Excel formulas

Using defined names in formulas makes your formulas easier to understand if you use descriptive names.

There are several ways to enter a name into a formula. If you know exactly what name you want to use, you can type the name directly into the formula.

You can also use Formula AutoComplete. As you type your formula, Excel automatically lists the valid names, and you can select a name to enter into the formula. For example, the name Total It is suggested to us in the following worksheet because the selected cell range has that name.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

You can also start typing your formula and then click Use in Formula in the Defined names Formula section tongue. Then select the name you want to use in your formula from the dropdown list.

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

One last method to use a name in a formula is to start typing your formula and press F3 . Then select the name you want to use in the Paste name dialog and click OK , or press Enter .

How to work with named ranges in Microsoft Excel

Make your Excel spreadsheets easier to understand

Defined names in Excel can help keep your workbooks organized and easy to understand. Use names not only for cell ranges, but also to refer to values ​​and formulas that you use frequently.

For more information, see our beginner's guide to Microsoft Excel The Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Excel The Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Excel Use this beginner's guide to start your experience with Microsoft Excel. The basic spreadsheet tips here will help you start learning Excel on your own. Read more.