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How Companies Should Handle Office Dating Relationships

We spend more of our day at work than anywhere else. Throughout our career, we meet many new faces and form strong bonds with those we work with.

SummaryIs Office Romance increasingly popular?The effects of office romance on the workplaceHow to handle office romanceTraining management on Office RomanceIntroducing a romance policyKeep your door open

Spending so much time with the same people leads us to form strong friendships and for some, more than that. Office supply company Viking conducted research to find out how common workplace romance is and what effect it has on those who have been involved with someone at their desk.

How Companies Should Handle Office Dating Relationships

From a simple kiss to marriage, 5,000 workers across Europe were asked about their experience of office romance. In the UK, more than two-thirds (68%) said they had been involved in a romantic relationship in the office. This shows how common it is in the workplace.

Of the 68% who said they had had a romantic relationship in the office, 20% were lucky enough to say that it ended in marriage or a civil partnership. With so many people finding that special someone in the office, it's important for employers to address this issue to ensure the best results for employees and the company.

Viking research shows an increase in office romance among the younger generation. 24% of employees aged 25 to 34 say they have had or have had a long-standing relationship with a colleague. That's compared to 12% of those over 65. More than half (53%) of the same age group also said they would consider a romantic relationship with a colleague in the future. It is therefore even more important for companies to know how to handle romance in the office.

The effects of office romance on the workplace

To shed light on the effects office romance can have on employees during work hours, Viking asked those who had dated a co-worker about the impact of that office life.

There were positive responses. However, those who had a workplace relationship expressed mostly negative opinions about how they felt the relationship affected their work time.

A full list of positive and negative effects of romance on workers is included below:

Increases productivity and creativity – 11%
Decreases productivity and creativity – 37%

Reduces stress levels – 17%
Increases stress levels – 21%

Positive impact on well-being – 22%
Negative impact on well-being – 20%

Increases work motivation – 12%
Reduces work motivation – 7%

Improves concentration – 5%
Is distracting – 26%

Positive effect on your career – 6%
Negative effect on your career – 16%

As you can see, people had different opinions on whether working relationships had a positive or negative effect on those involved.

But the two most popular responses were that office romance decreases productivity (37%) and can be distracting (24%).


To limit the negative workplace effects of office romances, here are some guidelines that managers and HR departments can follow.

Train management on Office Romance

It can be as simple as creating an environment where employees are comfortable discussing office romance openly.

42% of UK workers said the worst thing about their relationship with a colleague was being the subject of gossip. Another third (33%) felt it should be kept away from HR.

If employees are familiar with office romance and feel confident when approaching their peers or managers to discuss their relationship, there is less chance of it being a secret or the subject of gossip.

To help foster an environment where business can operate as usual around the natural social relationships formed between colleagues, it is advisable to provide training to managers and HR on office romance.

Relationships are likely to be stressful when they influence the employee's ability to do their job. If managers are aware and have the proper training, they can help employees stay professional and leave personal things at home.

As the Viking study shows, relationships can improve well-being and boost motivation. It's important for employers to make sure they don't reduce productivity or cause distractions.

Introduce a romance-policy

A vital part of communicating about office romance is having a policy that clarifies company attitudes about internal relationships. As mentioned earlier, it would not be beneficial to employees or the company to prohibit employees from engaging in relationships.

However, having a romance policy in place can help protect the company from potential HR issues. It can also help describe the expected conduct of people in relationships.

This is something that needs to be addressed by businesses in the UK, as only 33% of employees are aware of their employer's policy on office romance. If employees understand how they should behave, it will prevent their relationship from impacting their work lives and those around them.

Without a policy, behavior in the office when involved in a relationship is left to the judgment of employees. This could lead to unwanted distractions and arguments. Differing opinions on what is acceptable could cause friction between employees.

A fair office romance policy is the obvious solution. It's up to you to include what you think will best benefit the business.

How Companies Should Handle Office Dating Relationships

Keep your door open

Office romance can affect employees' ability to do their job. That's why it's important that it doesn't slip under the rug.

Giving time to employees who want to discuss confidential matters is important. This gives you a clear understanding of your team's events. Closing your eyes won't solve anything. Relationships can turn sour and you need to be on the lookout to protect your employees and your business.

An office romance that doesn't go so well is much more likely to result in the negative impacts outlined earlier. Showing that you understand and doing what you can to support employees when needed will build trust and help maintain productivity.

This handy guide on how to handle office romance will help you keep your employees happy while looking after the best interests of your business. People spend more time at work than anywhere else and see no one more than their colleagues.

Therefore, romance is expected in the workplace. Finding ways to increase the upside and reduce the downside is the secret to UK business success.

See also:Redefining office culture to increase employee satisfaction and productivity