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5 Marketing Questions Every Business Owner Should Ask

There's your baby – your small business website. You post brilliant posts on Facebook and Google+ while hoping to connect with others through commenting on their posts; you are trying to get your website listed enough to increase its Google score; you run promotional offers a few days a week ['Monday Madness Specials' 'TGIF Twofers'] but somehow your site still isn't gaining the traction you were hoping for or expecting.
Time for a new redesign or a new site name? Fill the site with more ads to attract? Hire the Goodyear Airship to spread the word? No, none of these should be your first consideration. There may be things you haven't thought of or thought about. Let's quickly run through the top 5 questions you need to ask yourself and look at what you can do better.

1. Who should you contact?

Everyone you meet.
Teachers – Parents – Bosses – Companions – Potential partners – All your friends – Realtors – Landlords – Neighbors – Professionals – Homeowner Association members – Plumbers – Electricians – Cable installers – Police – Firefighters – Doctors – Nurses – Everyone in the family – Bankers – Vendors – Grocery clerks – Security guards – Car dealerships – Mechanics.
Really? Yes really! Stop being shy and promote yourself and your business by letting others know what you are doing through the website. Stop wondering why they would buy from you, why would they check out your website and start thinking exponentially. Even if they're "not in the market" for your business right now, what about the people they know? Their families, friends, acquaintances, professional contacts? Any of these can be a good lead. Someone may know someone who needs what you can offer.

2. What do you market with?

Your business card. Never leave home and never work without. Bring a lot. It is your mobile billboard, magazine, newspaper, television, radio, internet advertisement. Keep the front clean of distracting information. Make sure it prominently displays your website URL, business name, and your name. Add an email address and phone number, but nothing more. Don't stick the URL in a corner of the card, but put it front and center with your business name. Optionally, you can add a QR code on a corner to provide your email and phone number and other vital business information. Use the back of the card to say something short and meaningful about what you're offering. "Give us 2 hours and we'll give you the cleanest palace in your neighborhood." " [Housecleaning Services] "Our specially designed jewelry will make you shine" [Home Designed Jewelry] "We know the ins and outs of pipes, so you don't have to." [Plumbing Repair]

3. How do you deliver?

Wallflowers sit down. The carnival barkers rise! It's time to show what you're made of. Don't control your delivery, but let people know quickly and with a confident smile what you can offer. Now is not the time to oversell, but to give a taste. "If you or someone you know can use the Magic X product {or} service, here is my contact information {your business card}. Thank you. " That's it. Less than 7 seconds delivery. Being concise and assertive, with a friendly face, will leave a better impression on a potential customer, which will add to your value. If you get the chance, give them a handshake while looking straight at them. If you are taller than them, do not lean forward and hover over them. Give some respite. Practice your delivery again and again so that it becomes second nature. But don't run away after the transfer [giving your business card] in case they have a question. This can offer a chance to give them something extra about your offers.

4. What do you suggest?

You need to know what you can offer with that product or service that no one else can. Better opening hours? Free additional services? Guarantees? Know what you have already accomplished, your strengths and limitations, your values ​​and aspirations. Get input from others close to you if you need help finding any of these. When talking to a customer or potential, you need to know what you can do for them without hesitation. Maybe they'll ask you about delivery options, product exchanges, or who they contact for customer service issues. Don't tell them to "check the website". You are the whole company standing in front of them. They expect you to know this inside and out. Have a name and number to call. What differentiating factors – unique characteristics, experiences – do you possess that can be turned into a strength that sets you apart? Make sure not only do the people you meet know about it, but make it known on your website's homepage. “We speak your language to serve you better. (Spanish, Portuguese, French, Mandarin, German, Italian, Arabic, Swahili)” “I ran the marathon in 2.5 hours. I can fix your plumbing much faster. “95% of our customers have been repeat customers over the past 5 years.”

5. What is your goal?

Your goal is not to immediately reach “x” number of customers, nor is it financial, although you want to generate revenue. Your goal is to get people to think about your product or service before anyone else. Don't worry about people misusing your brand name as a generic name yet (eg Kleenex, Nylon, Linoleum). You're not that big yet. How will you know you've reached your goal? When people start to recognize you and your business on sight. When they mention it every time you speak. When you start getting more social media connections and comments. When those same people you gave your card to start asking you questions about the product or service you offer. When you start getting calls, emails, and website responses from those you've contacted and people they know.

Quick Review

If your small business website isn't getting the eyeballs you expect, review your marketing strategies.
• Your potential customers
• Advertising your business
• Your personal presentation
• Your commercial offers
• Your commercial objectives

Even if business is going well and you have been in business for more than 5 years, it is always good to revisit just to make sure that your customers and potential customers will come to you for the next 5 years and the next 5 years.