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5 essential tools and apps to create your early start

Apps for startups are very useful (and can even be crucial) for new businesses.

Contents1. Evernote2. Notebook3. Mou4. Wave5. PomoDone

As the founder of a startup, you want to be 100% committed to everything you and your team create. You don't want and can't afford to waste time.

If you've ever asked yourself these questions – Did we miss something in our brainstorming notes? Did David do the interview? Is the PowerPoint file I'm looking for the latest version? » – then it’s time to use apps for startups to streamline your management process and increase productivity.

Here are the apps we recommend:

1. Evernote

5 essential tools and apps to create your early start

To launch your ideas

Every goal starts with ideas. Evernote is a note-taking app for you and your team to capture, brainstorm, and expand on your brilliant ideas. Ideas can be easily and quickly offloaded from your brain and onto your desktop or smartphone, whenever and wherever you want.

2. Notebook

5 essential tools and apps to create your early start

To turn your ideas into tasks

It's like Lao Tzu said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

Your startup also starts with one. Quire is a simple, fast and lightweight task management tool designed to help teams break down their ideas into smaller and smaller tasks, so they can tackle them one by one.

See also:From Startup Idea to Business Success:7 Questions to Ask Before Pursuing That Business

3. Soft

5 essential tools and apps to create your early start

For effective communication within your team

In case you haven't heard, Slack is an amazing communication app for teams. With Slack, all your conversations with your team happen at once and in one place. You can forget about boring emails because of this lifesaver.

4. Wave

5 essential tools and apps to create your early start

To track your payments and expenses

You hate numbers. However, you need to stay in control and know what's going on in your startup accounting.

Wave is easy-to-understand accounting software designed specifically for small teams. In seconds, you can create and send invoices, payrolls, and receipts, and even get insights from helpful reports.

5. PomoDone

5 essential tools and apps to create your early start

To make the most of your time

Everyone knows the Pomodoro technique. You swear you'll stay focused and productive, but the next thing you know, you've updated your Facebook status and read your Twitter feed. PomoDone is a sleek looking Pomodoro time tracking app that lets you do the right things in the right amount of time.

If you are struggling to build your startup, now is the time to use one or more of the tools mentioned above. Your startup can be successful when you use the right tools and spend the right time on the right tasks.

See also:How to save your startup by hiring the right people