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A third of employees are considering new job due to pandemic

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, 35% of employees are considering looking for a new job in the next 12 months. The two biggest drivers for a career change are a higher salary (49%) and a good work-life balance (41%). This is apparent from Kaspersky's research 'Securing the Future of Work'.

Despite the uncertainty in the current labor market, employees remain ambitious. Almost half would prefer to keep their current position (48%), but at the same time they would also like to make their working days fit better into their personal lives. Due to the lockdown and remote working, people have also had time to think about their career, development and learning something new.

Regardless of which direction is chosen, the main reason for a new job is a better salary (49%). Followed by a better work-life balance for 41% of respondents. The pandemic has made life at home with family more valued, as well as pursuing personal interests and hobbies. Employees want to retain these opportunities in the future.

After salary and personal convenience, 35% of employees indicate that they aspire to a job with greater social significance and impact. The events of 2020 are likely to have prompted employees to think more about their current job, which is important at work and beyond. As a result, people have started to think more consciously where and how they spend time.

A third of employees are considering new job due to pandemic

Chart 1:drivers for a career switch

“By rethinking needs and capabilities, people are creating a new reality at work. Regardless of whether you want to change jobs or not:people want to maintain the benefits of the current situation – working from home and a better work-life balance. However, to realize this, employees must adopt the right mentality, be flexible and work smarter. It is of course important that they have their working environment in order and that they take responsibility for its reliability and safety. Ultimately, this could even benefit the employer, according to Sergey Martsynkyan, Head of B2B Product Marketing for Kaspersky.