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Mila Kunis publishes a letter to denounce sexism in Hollywood

This is not the first time that a personality has ranted about injustices in Hollywood. No, this world is not entirely made of glitter, and the women who are part of it no longer hesitate to say so. In 2015, Jennifer Lawrence denounced the wage gap, and a few months ago it was Alicia Keys who explained that she no longer supported the diktats of beauty. It is now actress Mila Kunis who has decided to publish a long letter to expose the sexist behavior of which she has been the victim. Published on the Medium website on November 2, 2016, the Black Swan star begins with a comment a producer made to him:"You'll never work in this town again ". The reason ? She had refused to pose half-naked in a men's magazine to promote her film. “What this producer will probably never realize is that he voiced out loud the fear that every woman feels when confronted with gender bias in the workplace she continues.

A watchword:educate against sexism

These illegitimate reflections, Mila Kunis calls them "micro aggressions that devalue the contribution and value of hardworking women ". She encourages her peers not to "compromise their integrity" by "maintaining the status quo":"I was livid, I felt like an object, and for the first time in my career, I said " no ". Guess what ? It wasn't the end of the world ". The young woman also addresses the subject of wage inequality which, according to a recent study, should end in 136 years (or in 170 years)... This is why she has decided to take matters into her own hands now, by stopping the compromise and especially to "be compromised" as she writes. “From now on, when such comments are made to me, whether subtly or more explicitly, I will face them; I'll spend time answering and do my best to educate the person who voiced them ". If the success of the maneuver is not guaranteed, Mila Kunis specifies that by doing so, she will still work to create an environment in which there is room for improvement.

The beauty ends with a little pic sent to the famous producer:“I will work again in this city, but not with you ". And Bam ! Kudos to her!