Family Best Time >> Work

A company offers nap beds to its employees

Going to the office and finding large, soft and comfortable beds instead of the traditional meeting room is a dream come true. Not at Casper, a New York company specializing in mattresses! To ensure that the premises of this company are in line with the products it sells, it called on Float Studio, an expert in interior design, to furnish its spaces on the theme of sleep. Result:Dozens of beds have been installed, so that employees can take naps... or organize relaxed meetings!

Intimate corners

Far from the camp beds arranged in a row of onions, these are real little corners of paradise. At Casper, sleep spaces are intimate places with lamps, duvets and even shoe storage. The rest of the office has also been fitted out in this spirit:the first floor has large openings to let in natural light and thus creates a morning atmosphere. On the second floor, there are shades of blue, a sloping ceiling and fabric partitions separating the different parts of the room, the aim being to represent the night. The icing on the cake:the employees have a green terrace with a view of Manhattan and deckchairs, to work in the sun. It's a dream, isn't it?