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A company offers women stressed at work to hire sexy men

Fatigue, files that accumulate, deadlines that are getting shorter and shorter:stress at work is a reality for everyone and can have a real impact on everyone's morale. To remedy this, a Japanese company decided to make anti-stress at work its business, particularly targeting female employees. Indeed, the company Ikemeso (“ikemen” means sexy man and “mesomeso” means crying) has started hiring “sexy men” in order to relax women under pressure at work. No, it's not a joke in bad taste...

60 euros for the handkerchief man

According to Hiroki Terai, founder of the company, women are more weakened by pressure and stress in the workplace than men. And that's why the Japanese entrepreneur came up with Ikemeso. Concretely, the company offers services for men aimed at consoling women following humiliation or disappointment at work, or even burnout. Because we all know that when we're at the bottom of the hole, we want to pay to have a handsome guy who comforts us, right... They have the possibility of choosing the "Ikemen" that they prefer, according to various characteristics. Thus for around 60 euros, the young man travels to the workplace of the employee who has called on his services. On the spot, he will have to cry with her, comfort her (“Poor fragile little woman, don’t worry about my big muscles and my flirtatious smile are here now!”) and dry her tears. Yes, it's serious:all these gestures are part of the official charter dictated by the company to be a good wiper of tears. It is indeed stipulated that “the most important thing is not to rub the eye of the client but to wipe the tears from his cheek as gently as possible. The company also states that its entire approach has been designed to create a new type of communication at work between colleagues by giving them the opportunity to "show their natural selves" (=when they cry).

Um, can we say a huge NO to that?!