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Job offers soon available on Facebook

The social network Facebook with one billion subscribers has officially announced on its site its desire to innovate by taking a decision that will help to further strengthen the proximity that the social network has with users and businesses. Indeed, Mark Zuckerberg's empire plans to become a free recruitment space where companies can submit calls for applications to which users registered on the network can respond. Clearly, we could very soon find work on Facebook.

Facebook profile =CV of the future?

With this new feature allowing any subscriber to find a job, Facebook becomes a direct competitor of LinkedIn, a reference in terms of professional social network. Well, there would still be some variations, such as the fact that the Facebook recruitment interface would be mainly reserved for SMEs. Concretely, how does this happen ? On the news feed scroll sponsored offers (like the ads already present on Facebook) and classic job ads. By selecting one of them, the user then opens a pre-filled application form with information taken from his Facebook profile, but keeping the possibility of modifying it before sending it to the recruiter via Messenger (the system Facebook chat room). Another interesting point, thanks to Facebook's identification system, the Internet user who finds an offer and considers it interesting for a friend can identify it in the comments or share it with him. This new feature, already implemented in the United States and Canada, Mark Zuckerberg wants to extend it worldwide. In the meantime, if it arrives in France, it might be time to delete some photos from the folder…