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Work:the signs that show that the boss is proud of us

Satisfying your manager is of course one of the objectives to be achieved when you are an employee. To flourish in one's work, to have good relations with one's colleagues are points that should not be overlooked, of course, but above all it is important to perform the tasks required correctly. So how do we know if our boss considers us to be up to it and, even better, if he is proud of us? The Business Insider website asked various industry experts to discuss the signs that show a boss is thrilled with an employee's accomplishments, and while some are pretty obvious, others seem a lot more vague. We classify in the first category the fact that he or she asks you for your opinion on a specific point, gives you more responsibilities (this is a proof of trust, of course), defines you as a referent in case other employees have difficulty processing a task or is interested in how you feel about your workplace (he/she asks you, among other things, what time you plan to leave the office, what the company can do to continue to stimulate, etc.). So far, everyone agrees.

Firmness, an encouraging sign

There are, however, two other behaviors that attest to the satisfaction of the boss, but they are more difficult to identify and you will understand why. First, he is rather stingy with compliments. Bad sign, right? Well not necessarily, if we believe Suzanne Bates at the head of the American communication agency Bates Communications. “[The manager] thinks you already know you're a conscientious worker. He doesn't want to come across as showing favoritism or he just forgets to let you know how happy he is because you always do things right “, explains the expert. But if the need arises, do not hesitate to ask him for more frequent feedback, good or less good, so as to know a little more about his own evolution. Second sign that may seem ominous:he is not kind to you. But then again, there is nothing to worry about according to Suzanne Bates. “A boss who sees you as a promising element can make a lot of comments, and not always positive ones. He shows firmness because he knows that you have the shoulders to support him and are ready to take on new responsibilities ". This is something to reassure everyone! We wish you all the professional success imaginable in 2018!