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10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

If you use Google Keep on the web and on your mobile device 7 Tips for taking better notes in Google Keep for Android 7 Tips for taking better notes in Google Keep for Android If you use Google Keep for Android, these tips will make your experience that much better one Read More

Chrome and Firefox have extensions for the popular note-keeping app that give you quick access. With one click, you can save a website, open your notes, or make Google Keep more useful with these great tools.

For the chrome crusaders

Google Chrome has a good selection of extensions for Google Keep depending on your needs. 10 Creative Ways To Use Google Keep Every Day 10 Creative Ways To Use Google Keep Every Day Google Keep is a simple note-taking app. But its simplicity hides its usefulness. Here are ten tips and ideas for using Google Keep for the little things in everyday life. Read more . From saving a quick note to opening a new tab to adjusting your current Google Keep page, you have a number of options.

1. Google maintains the Chrome extension

The official Google Keep Chrome extension from Google allows you to save items with just one click. When you visit a website and click the button on its toolbar, a small box will appear. This contains the name of the website, a photo if available, and a direct link.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

You can add text to the note and apply a label. 4 Keep Google's tips and tricks for better notes, lists, and to-dos. 4 Keep Google's tips and tricks for better notes, lists, and to-dos. Read More and it will be saved for you automatically.

2. Google Keep Web

If you want to open the Google Keep website to access all your notes, check out the Google Keep Web extension. With a purpose and no customization, this tool simply opens Google Keep with one click when you need it.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

3. Popup to Keep

When you want to stay on the page you're visiting, but access your Google Keep notes, use the Keep popup. As its name suggests, this extension opens Google Keep in a popup window. You also have the option to move it to its own window with a click of the button on the extension toolbar.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

4. Category tabs for Google Keep

If you like to use the color coding feature for your notes, then Category Tabs for Google Keep is the extension for you. After you install it and visit your Google Keep page on the web, you'll see a bar at the top showing the colors of your Google Keep notes.

So you can select red, orange, or green and filter all notes by that color.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

Also, you will see the Google Keep navigation bar change to the color of your choice. Therefore, you will never lose your place. Then select All to return to all your notes. This is very useful for quick access to color-coded notes How to Better Organize Notes in Google Keep With Color Coding How to Better Organize Notes in Google Keep With Color Coding Google Keep is great for taking simple notes, but it's not always the best for organization. Here's how to make it easier for you. Read more.

5. Entry tab in Google Keep

This next extension is a basic tool, but it might be what you're looking for in Google Keep. The input tab in Google Keep gives you the ability to use the Tab key to indent text within your notes. If you don't want to use a list, but want an outline format format, this extension allows you to do that easily. Just paste Enter and then Tab To indent as much as you want for each line.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

6. Google Keep - Full Screen Edition

Another simple yet convenient extension is Google Keep - Full Screen Edition. This is perfect for those situations where you have a long note or one with multiple images. Once you install it, every time you open a note on the Google Keep website, it will take up the entire browser window. When you finish your note, you still click Done in the bottom corner like you normally do.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

7. Movie links in Google Keep

Movie Links in Google Keep is an extension for movie fans. If you keep a list of movies in Google Keep, whether it's the ones you want to watch, plan to share, or just keep track of, check out this tool. Automatically adds links to movies on your list for Google Play, Amazon, Rotten Tomatoes, and Netflix. Clicking any link takes you to that particular movie on the corresponding website.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

The only problem is that the title of your checklist note must contain the word “movies” in parentheses, like so [movies] . I would like to point out that the extension can be a bit peculiar. Therefore, you may need to reopen Google Keep as you add movies to your list because the links don't appear as you type. But overall, it's a cool concept for quick access to movie links.

For Firefox fans

When it comes to Mozilla Firefox, you will find very limited add-ons compared to Google Chrome. While this is not a surprise, you still have some extension options to access Google Keep. Why you should use Google Keep for voice memos. Why you should use Google Keep for voice memos. Most note-taking apps support memos as a way of dictating. notes, but there's a good reason why you should prefer to use Google Keep. Read More

8-9. Google Keep and GKeep Panel [No Longer Available]

These two Firefox addons basically do the same thing, which is to give you a popup for Google Keep. You will only find minor differences in its toolbars and customization options.

The toolbar for Google Keep allows you to open Keep the website in a new tab, create a bug report, check the FAQ, refresh the page and pin the dashboard. However, you can only customize the height and width of the panel.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

GKeep Panel has a toolbar with fewer options that allows you to refresh the page, pin the panel, and hide the toolbar. However, you can customize not only the height and width, but also delay panel loading, auto-hide the toolbar, and adjust modifiers.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

10. Google Keep Notes

Google Keep Notes is a bit different than the other two Firefox addons in that it opens inside your current window instead of a popup. When you click the button on your toolbar, your current window will split with Google Keep Notes next to it. You can choose to have the sidebar on the left or right, scroll each side separately, and then click X to close it.

10 Google Keep Extensions utilities for Chrome and Firefox

Stay With Google Keep

When you find a note taking app that you like, it is essential that you can use it anywhere and anytime. You Can Use Google Keep on the Web How to Use Google Keep for Simple Project Management How to Use Google Keep for Simple Project Management Looking for a basic, intuitive, cross-platform project management tool? We show you how to use Google Keep for simple projects. Read More of productivity. Read More Plus, some of these Chrome extensions give you a little more.

If you have a Google Keep browser extension that you use for Chrome or Firefox that we didn't see here, please share it with us below!