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13 Spotted Chrome Extensions That Reduce Clicks and Save Time

Think about how many hours you spend on the web every day. Since I work from home and do a lot of research on the web, plus many of my leisure activities include being online, I can easily log 6-8 hours of web surfing on any given day of the week. For you, 2-3 hours may be more the norm.

Still, that adds up to many hours in time. Now think of it as “efficient” in the web browser:10 seconds to copy text into Evernote, 30 seconds to open and look up a definition, a few minutes to find coupon codes online, etc. All of that adds up too.

You'd be surprised how many hours you waste each year through inefficient web browsing, which is why you need these time-saving Chrome extensions. They'll help you make up for those lost hours one click at a time.

1. Hide all tabs with one click

13 Spotted Chrome Extensions That Reduce Clicks and Save Time

Imagine you're relaxing at work and you've opened dozens of new tabs in the last half hour, but then your boss shows up and you can't let him see it. Instead of closing them all by spamming the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + W, you can just click the Panic Button icon (or press F4) and all tabs will be closed and saved as bookmarks.

And that's the best part:when the panic is over, you can restore all closed tabs to the way they were. Very convenient, and I'm sure you can think of many other situations where such an extension could be useful.

Download - Panic button (free)

2. Automatically find and apply coupon codes

The next time you're shopping online, whether it's for clothing, office equipment, gaming equipment, or just a pizza, there's a chance that Honey It will save you a good amount of money on your final order. Over the course of a year, it could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

It's very simple:when you're about to check out, click the Honey icon and the service will automatically search the web for any applicable coupon codes, try them all to see which one is the cheapest, and then apply it automatically. Much faster than doing it by hand.!

Download - Honey (Free)

3. View historical price data while shopping

13 Spotted Chrome Extensions That Reduce Clicks and Save Time

One of the downsides of shopping on Amazon is that the price tag can be misleading. Usually displays a Was price above the Current price, so it sounds like you're getting a deal, but this is rarely the case. the was The price is only the recommended retail price when it was first released. That price could be way out of date.

So how can you check if an Amazon price is really a deal? Use the CamelCamelCamel website to view the price history of the item. If it's below average, then yes, it's a deal. But you can save even more time by using The camelizer , An extension that shows this price history with a single click.

Download - The camelizer (free)

4. Check online reviews for confidence

Fake reviews online are the scourge of the web, so learning how to spot fake reviews is an absolute must. But the fraudsters are getting better, especially since manufacturers and other big brands have started their own initiatives to manipulate online reviews. 4 ways online reviews are manipulated by manufacturers. Right here on the internet. This is good press, of course. However, some forms are more vague than others, as soon you will be able to... Read More .

The good news is that there are some who are doing their best to fight this, like ReviewMeta . This site collects all of the reviews for a product, analyzes each one for markers that might indicate falsehood, and then uses only genuine reviews to calculate an adjusted rating. With this extension, one click is all it takes to see the "real" rating of an article.

Download - ReviewMeta (Free)

5. Save articles to read offline

13 Spotted Chrome Extensions That Reduce Clicks and Save Time

If there are large amounts of time each day when you don't have Internet access, you can maximize your time online by saving articles to read later during those offline hours (like when you're traveling on the train or waiting for an appointment).

Instapaper is excellent for this, particularly as it has a number of features for advanced users. But the one feature I really like is the ability to send articles to your Kindle. The electronic ink technology used by Kindles offers an amazing reading experience, so why not read articles with it? Your eyes will thank you. (If you don't already have one, check out our guide to buying the right Kindle.)

Download - Instapaper (Free)

6. Save web media to Evernote

You can't go wrong with Evernote or OneNote Evernote vs. OneNote:Which Note-Taking App Is Right For You? Evernote vs. OneNote:Which Note-Taking App Is Right For You? Evernote and OneNote are amazing note-taking apps. It is difficult to choose between the two. We compare everything from the interface to the organization of notes to help you choose. What works best for you? Read More , which allows you to “shorten” (“save”) anything on the web directly into one of your Evernote notebooks with the click of a button.

This might not sound like a huge time saver, but it's one of those things you have to try for yourself to get an idea of ​​how convenient it is. You don't have to keep Evernote open. You don't have to juggle multiple tabs or windows. Just browse, click and continue browsing. Great for when you need to research a topic and want to compile a lot of data very quickly.

Download - Evernote Web Clipper (Free)

7. Mouse over images to preview or enlarge

13 Spotted Chrome Extensions That Reduce Clicks and Save Time

I know this has happened to you before:either you are browsing a page and you come across a small image that you have to click on to enlarge it, or you come across a text link to an image that you have to click on to see it . Not only are they annoying, but they can also waste valuable time.

That's why Imagus It is such a beloved extension. With it, you can simply hover over an image or link and see the full-size result right away. No need to open a new tab and wait for the image to load. It is compatible with thousands of sites on the web and you can customize it a bit regarding preview size, scroll delay, opacity, etc.

Download - Image (Free)

8. Mouse over words for definitions

13 Spotted Chrome Extensions That Reduce Clicks and Save Time

Whether you're learning English as a new language, poring over tons of fancy academic articles, or just trying to expand your personal vocabulary, Google Dictionary It is an excellent extension to have installed. With it, definitions are never more than a click away.

Even if you're a regular Joe Schmoe who wants to stay up-to-date on topics like world affairs, tech news, or the realm of finance, you can find regular articles on Fortuna or Time or Harvard Law Review that stretch your word bank It's good to have this extension ready.

Download - Google Dictionary (Free)

9. Highlight to translate text

13 Spotted Chrome Extensions That Reduce Clicks and Save Time

The Internet has done more for globalization than any other advance in the history of technology, which is why Google Translate The extension is so appropriate. Now you can read any article or text segment, even if it's not written in a language you personally know.

Simply highlight a word or paragraph and the extension can translate it in a pop-up window, without the need to open a new tab or navigate to another page. Or if you want to translate the whole page, just click the Translate icon. The entire web is now at your fingertips..

Download - Google Translate (Free)

10. Never forget your passwords again

It is absolutely necessary to start using a password manager if you are not already one. You need to start using a password manager right now You need to start using a password manager right now. Now everyone should be using a password manager. In fact, not using a password manager puts you at higher risk of being hacked. Read more . In a nutshell, a password manager allows you to create hundreds of incredibly complex passwords, one unique to each account you have on the web, without you needing to memorize any of them. This maximizes your security. and your convenience. What could not be loved?

It also saves time. Whenever you need to log into something, the password manager handles it for you. Last Pass is the most popular option (available not only in Chrome, but also on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Firefox, Opera, and more), but there are alternative password managers. Passwords Many people consider LastPass to be the king of password managers; it's packed with features and has more users than any of its competitors, but it's far from the only option! Read More

Download - LastPass (Free)

11. Check grammar as you type

Most browsers have built-in spell checkers, but built-in grammar checking is rare. And it's not that grammar checkers are only useful for those who are not fluent in the English language, even the most eloquent writer makes mistakes. Grammar checkers are great at catching those errors.

Grammar Chrome automatically checks your grammar as you type, regardless of whether you're on Facebook, Reddit, Gmail, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc. It can also detect vague or confusing words and offer clearer alternatives. With it, your writing quality will improve overnight.

Download - Grammar (Free)

12. Insert Emojis anywhere

13 Spotted Chrome Extensions That Reduce Clicks and Save Time

Have you bought into the emoji craze what this emoji means? Emoji face meanings explained What does this emoji mean? Emoji Face Meanings Explained Confused by the emojis in the text message you just received? Here are the commonly accepted meanings of popular emojis. Read more yet? These super emoticons can be found all over the web, especially on social networks, and they currently play an important role in modern web language. You can't be "in" if you're not using emojis in 2017.

The thing is, emojis are much easier to type on mobile devices than they are on computers. The good news is that Emoji keyboard can bridge that gap for you, at least within Chrome. It supports emoji search, copy and paste, as well as auto-inserts.

Download - Emoji Keyboard (Free)

13. Optimize your Reddit experience

13 Spotted Chrome Extensions That Reduce Clicks and Save Time

One of the main complaints against Reddit - and there are many Valid complaints - it's its outdated and primitive interface. It's a pain to navigate and it may take you a while to get comfortable with 9 Reddit Hacks You Need to Try Right Now 9 Reddit Hacks You Need to Try Right Now Can you make your Reddit experience even better? Of course you can, just follow these nine hacks! Read more . Y lo que es peor es que la mayoría de las funciones de calidad de vida están cerradas detrás de Reddit Gold (que es básicamente una membresía que cuesta $ 4 por mes).

Pero todo eso cambia con Reddit Enhancement Suite , una extensión que proporciona cientos de mejoras a la interfaz de Reddit, muchas de las cuales ahorran tiempo. Hemos destacado algunas de las mejores razones para comenzar a usar Reddit Enhancement Suite 10 razones por las que necesita Reddit Enhancement Suite 10 razones por las que necesita Reddit Enhancement Suite La Reddit Enhancement Suite está disponible en Chrome, Firefox, Opera y Safari. ¿Crees que puedes vivir sin él? Estas son algunas de las características más innovadoras que lo convencerán de instalarlo pronto. Lea más, así que compruebe si está interesado.

Download - Reddit Enhancement Suite (Gratis)

¿Cómo ahorrar tiempo en Chrome??

Si bien las extensiones anteriores ahorran una gran cantidad de tiempo perdido, también recomendamos utilizar algunas de estas extensiones para aumentar la productividad. 25 Extensiones Chrome para hacerte más productivo. 25 Extensiones Chrome para hacerte más productivo. Escuchamos mucho sobre productividad. ¿Cómo nos hacemos más productivos? ¿Qué nos puede ayudar a ser más productivos? ¿Qué herramientas nos hacen los más productivos? Lea más, estas extensiones para trabajar sin conexión 13 Las mejores extensiones de Chrome y las aplicaciones para trabajar sin conexión 13 Las mejores extensiones de Chrome y las aplicaciones para trabajar sin conexión ¿No hay Internet en movimiento? Don't worry, you can still have a productive day on your Chromebook or other laptop if you do a little prep work. That is how. Lea más, y por supuesto, nuestras extensiones favoritas absolutas para Chrome Las mejores extensiones de Chrome Las mejores extensiones de Chrome Una lista de solo las mejores extensiones para Google Chrome, incluidas las sugerencias de nuestros lectores. Read more . No instalar todos De ellos, incluso unos pocos pueden hacer una gran diferencia..

También recomendamos evitar estas extensiones de Chrome. 10 Extensiones de Chrome que debe desinstalar ahora. 10 Extensiones de Chrome que debe desinstalar ahora. Es difícil hacer un seguimiento de qué extensiones han sido atrapadas abusando de sus privilegios, pero definitivamente debería desinstalar estas 10 tan pronto como sea posible. Lea más, como Hover Zoom (use la extensión Imagus que cubrimos en esta publicación).

Si conoce alguna otra extensión para ahorrar tiempo, ¡compártala con nosotros en los comentarios a continuación! Cualquier consejo que tengas para nosotros, nos encantaría escucharlo..