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10 Productivity Bots to Automate Tasks and Save Time

Although artificial intelligence (AI) might be reminiscent of images of Hal 9000 or the T-1000, AI took on a drastically different form from its sci-fi portrayal. Instead, artificial intelligence focuses on machine learning and natural language processing.

Bots have become a popular and useful form of artificial intelligence. They can recognize and follow patterns to automate repetitive tasks.

Check out these 10 bot-powered productivity tools perfect for everyone from individuals to startups to small businesses.

1. Alice From The Mad Botter

Best for: Teams

Cleverly named after the protagonist of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland , Alice is an AI bot from the Mad Botter. With an increasing number of companies migrating to remote work, the challenge of operating with distributed teams remains. To meet this challenge, Alice promises a means to simply communicate and automate tasks.

10 Productivity Bots to Automate Tasks and Save Time

As founder Michael Dominick explains, Alice focuses on digital agencies. More specifically “she” Addresses the problem of integration and automation. Alice arrives as a kind of virtual digital assistant. For example, just ask Alice to release her on her day and she will reply with a friendly message. "Got it, I'll cancel all meetings on her calendar and email attendees.."

You can add Alice to many popular services like Slack, GitHub, and Harvest. For her natural language processing, Alice uses Luis AI. She is a mix of Typescript and JavaScript on top of the Microsoft Bot Framework.

2. tomatobot

Best for: Individuals or teams

Regardless of whether she works in an office or remotely, the Pomodoro Technique. How a simple Pomodoro timer made my life better. How a simple Pomodoro timer made my life better. The Pomodoro Technique is one of the simplest time management tricks. Break up distractions with the help of 25-minute clips and a timer. It could be a change of routine that will change your life if it suits you. Read More It is a simple concept. Pick a task and work on that task for a set amount of time. Then when that period is over, take a short break. Check social media, grab a cup of coffee, or take a short walk. After that, resume work. When you've completed four work sessions with breaks in between, reward yourself with a long break.

Tomatobot is an amazing Pomodoro bot for distraction-free work. It has a Slack integration, so it can be added to any Slack team. Just write / start working once Tomatobot is integrated into your Slack group. This starts a 25 minute timer.

10 Productivity Bots to Automate Tasks and Save Time

There is some nice functionality, for example a /distraction command. If you get sidetracked during a Pomodoro session, just type /distraction [insert distraction here]. When you're done, Tomatobot reminds you of your distraction. It's a really useful AI-powered bot that I've found greatly increases my productivity.

There is no shortage of free Pomodoro apps. The best Pomodoro timer apps to shake up your productivity. The best Pomodoro timer apps to shake up your productivity. If you often hit a productivity wall after a few hours of work, a Pomodoro timer could help you keep your focus. This selection of timers has an option for each platform. Read More Plus, you can even make your own with an Arduino. The Pomoduino:Making an Arduino Pomodoro Timer. The Pomoduino:Making an Arduino Pomodoro Timer. Read more. But the Slack integration helps automate the process and is one less app or tab to run.

3. Trello for Slack

Best for: Teams or individuals

I use Trello religiously. Ever since I discovered it, I've set up Trello as an editorial board, but it's perfect for a plethora of uses. A Trello guide to life and project management. A Trello guide to life and project management. Trello can help you get organized. It is a free tool to manage any type of project. Read this guide to understand its basic structure, navigation, and how Trello can help you. Read more.

The Collaboration Tool 11 Trello Tips and Workflow Features for Developers 11 Trello Tips and Workflow Features for Developers Do you use Trello to plan coding projects? The task manager app can do wonders for your next coding challenge. We have some Trello tips to share. Read More But with a Slack integration, bots make Trello maintenance painless. Details appear immediately after placing a card or board on a channel that the @trello bot is on. Everyone within the Slack channel can see the board or card, regardless of whether or not they have a Trello account.

10 Productivity Bots to Automate Tasks and Save Time

Also, when using Trello for Slack, you can see changes to Trello cards and boards. Therefore, there is more transparency. Commands include functionality to search Trello, create cards, and view board and card details. This saves a lot of time as you can use an app to manage your Trello instead of having to navigate back to your boards.

If Slack is a key tool for your team, check out these Slack bots as well. 14 The Best Automated Bots You Need For Your Slack Channel 14 The Best Automated Bots You Need For Your Slack Channel If you run a business, you can set up Slack and have bots do housework 24/7 week, while continuing with more important things, like conquering the world. Read more.

4. Butler for Trello.

Best for: Individuals or teams

If you want to keep your Trello up to date and organized, that takes a bit of work. Fortunately, Butler for Trello can automate all of that for you. Just sign up and add your Trello account. There is a free version that includes up to 250 trades per week.

Among its rich list of features, you can set triggers and due dates for certain actions to be performed automatically. It's super simple to use and incredibly beneficial. If you use Trello, you need Butler Automate Tedious Tasks in Trello With This Amazing Bot Automate Tedious Tasks in Trello With This Amazing Bot Trello is a simple tool for managing projects and tasks, but it gets even easier with the awesome automation tool called Butler. Read more.

5. Sort

Best for: Equipment, specifically those that sell online.

If you sell online, check out the order bot. It is a fantastic medium to sell using AI. With Ordering, you will find multilingual support, chat bot, and world currency support.

10 Productivity Bots to Automate Tasks and Save Time

Ordering is the only company with AI designed for products, services and online orders on demand. On the technical side, Ordering uses AngularJS and is based on the company's own API. As such, everything related to displaying vendor options and products comes through the Ordering API. It's an excellent AI-powered tool that enhances online ordering, making the process 300% faster.

6. Spext

Best for: Individuals or teams

If you ever need to transcribe speech to text Free your hands with speech to text on Android Free your hands with speech to text on Android Why bother slow typing in your text messages when you can just dictate them? Read More

This bot automatically transcribes anything from podcasts to videos to interviews in a matter of minutes. The Spext bot is as simple as uploading a file through the web platform, sending a message to the bot, and then receiving the transcript. When you're done, you can manually edit the transcript. However, Spext has 80-85% accuracy.

10 Productivity Bots to Automate Tasks and Save Time

As Spext condenses the transcription process from hours to minutes, all that's left is a bit of post-transcription editing.

7. Futurenda (Android, iOS)

Best for: Individuals

Keeping a schedule is a fantastic idea. While mental planning is great, it's not as effective as keeping a written list. Enter Futurenda. As its name implies, it is a kind of futuristic agenda. Which means this app is an AI powered planner. You will discover that Futurenda organizes your life, your events and your errands automatically..

10 Productivity Bots to Automate Tasks and Save Time

The great thing about Futurenda is how it intelligently manages your to-dos. It is available for iOS and Android and ranks four out of five in the Google Play Store.

8. Magic Spreadsheet

Best for: Individuals or teams

Fact:Spreadsheets are incredibly useful. 10 Incredibly Useful Spreadsheet Templates to Organize Your Life. 10 Incredibly Useful Spreadsheet Templates to Organize Your Life. Is your life a hotbed of missed dates, forgotten purchases, and reneged commitments? Sounds like you need to get organized. Read more . It's also a fact:spreadsheets can be hellacious..

Magic Spreadsheet integrates with Google Sheets and offers an amazing means of setting up data entry, data anchors, and more. But contrary to the name, it is not magic. Instead, Magic Spreadsheet operates with artificial intelligence as its backbone. The bot will fill in the blanks in the spreadsheet, based on the information you add and the instructions you provide.

There are tons of apps, from adding content from LinkedIn to making phone calls and editing images.

9. spinnerchief

Best for: Individuals and teams

You have probably heard of spinning items. Spinnerchief, an AI-powered tool, is among the best options. Its latest iteration, SpinnerChief 5, spins anything from paragraphs to sentences. At the core of this article is state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and natural language analytics. SpinnerChief also employs Statistical Replacement Technology, Part of Speech, and Emulated Natural Language methods to accurately spin the word and create original content from a paragraph or sentence.

There is a desktop client and a web-based version, as well as free and paid tiers. If you're looking for a word that makes the word spin, SpinnerChief offers simple and fast content rewrites powered by AI.

10. Todoist Smart Schedule

Best for: Individuals and teams

While Todoist doesn't use artificial intelligence on its own, there is an option for AI in the hugely popular to-do and task management app. Smart Schedule is a means to plan days out. Instead of manually scheduling days, Smart Schedule uses predictive habits to rearrange tasks.

10 Productivity Bots to Automate Tasks and Save Time

Ok, but how does this work? As a blog post on the Todoist website explains, Smart Scheduling features use task priority, your habits, goals, what's next on the docket, and weekdays vs. business days. Altogether, this AI-powered tool spits out schedules.

Of course, users have the ability to edit and reject Smart Schedule's suggested schedule. Also, this tool learns as it goes. So the more you use Smart Schedule and provide feedback such as accepting, editing, and rejecting your proposals, the more accurate it will be.

If you're curious to further automate your to-do list, check out Todosit's IFTTT integrations. Automate your life and work with Todoist and IFTTT Automate your life and work with Todoist and IFTTT Play creatively with ToDoist's notification features, and IFTTT's ability to do some really cool automation with them. We show you how to combine the two powers your productivity. Read more.

Impressive AI-driven productivity tools

There are tons of applications for artificial intelligence. For both individuals and teams, such as small businesses and startups, AI-powered productivity tools are among the most useful examples. Ultimately, what you choose to adopt will depend on what areas you need to improve and how you work.

Which Robot You Choose and Which Tasks It Will Automate 7 Daily Tasks You Didn't Know You Could Automate in a Few Minutes 7 Daily Tasks You Didn't Know You Could Automate in a Few Minutes focus on other things. Here are seven things you can automate right now with the right tools. Read more for you? Can you recommend me any other AI bots? Please share with us in the comments!