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How to use Google Keep for simple project management

Guide to Trello for Life and Project Management A Guide to Trello for Life and Project Management Trello can help you get organized. It is a free tool to manage any type of project. Read this guide to understand its basic structure, navigation, and how Trello can help you. Read More From desktop apps to web-based tools and mobile apps, the offerings are plentiful.

But what if you just want a BASIC tool? For easy project and task management, Google Keep is useful, convenient, and intuitive. We show you what makes it ideal for simple projects..

Application accessibility

An essential feature to look for in a project management tool is cross-platform accessibility. Google Keep comes through flying colors in this aspect.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

You can use Google Keep on the web and on your Android 7 Tips for taking better notes in Google Keep for Android 7 Tips for taking better notes in Google Keep for Android If you use Google Keep for Android, these tips will make your experience that much better one Read More or iOS mobile device. You can also use it with the Chrome browser extension and third-party plugins for Firefox and Opera. All this allows you to access, edit and add notes no matter where you go.

Download - Google Keep for Android (Free) | iOS (free)

Project and task management features

You may not get Gantt charts or project deadlines with Google Keep. But, what you get, aside from accessibility, is what you need for simple project management . Google Keep offers features for organization, lists and images, reminders, and collaboration. Plus, you can use these great features within an easy-to-use interface.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

Color coding notes

Color coding is one of the most useful features to help you organize your Google Keep notes. In addition to the standard white, you can select one of seven other colors. For projects, this is extremely useful because you can color code all notes related to a project the same color. Then, at a glance, you can quickly see what you need, when you need it.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

Using Lists and Images

Google Keep makes it very easy for you to add a note. Just click on the Take a note Checkout and you're on your way. But, you can also add a list or image note using the same box.

Click on the New List Icon to create a new checklist for your tasks. You can add each task very quickly and click Done When you're done.

You can do the same with photos. Just click the New Picture Note. icon, find your image and click Done . You can also include images in notes you have already created by clicking the Add Image button icon in the note.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

Each of these features is convenient for managing your project. The list option is perfect for tasks or team members and the image option works great for keeping company logos or project screenshots close at hand.

Create reminders

When it comes to managing any project, deadlines are crucial. Google Keep knows this and allows you to set reminders quickly and flexibly. You can use time and location-based reminders, which makes it convenient for mobile devices Why you should use Google Keep for voice notes Why you should use Google Keep for voice notes Most note-taking apps support voice memos as a way to dictate notes, but there's a good reason why you should use Google Keep. Read more.

To set a reminder, simply select reminder icon to see your options. The dropdown box provides you with some quick actions like later, today , tomorrow , or next week . But of course, you can create a custom reminder..

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

You can choose a date and time or choose a location. So you can quickly add a reminder to Email Sue at 8am tomorrow or Email Sue when she arrives at the office using an address or enabling your location.

To complete tasks, receive team updates, create reports and more, these convenient Google Keep reminders will keep you on track.

Collaborating with your team

When you want to collaborate on a Google Keep note, just click contributor in the note and enter her colleague's email address in the pop-up box. They will receive an email with the title of the note and a link to open it in Google Keep.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

The note will show up on your main Google Keep page. Edits they make to the note will automatically update for you to see along with an Updated indicator in the note.

This is also convenient for sharing to-do lists. You and your collaborator can mark items complete and immediately see who has finished what.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

And you can add more than one collaborator to your notes, which is great for project teams.

Copying Notes to Google Docs

To quickly turn your notes into documents, you can copy a note to Google Docs. Click the More (three dots) in the note and select Copy to Google Doc . A pop-up box will appear allowing you to immediately open that item in a new tab. You will then see your note, list or image copied directly for you.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

This is a great option for emailing project notes, showing progress on task lists, or providing images to others.

Intuitive interface

Whether you use Google Keep Google Keep for Chrome:your in-browser solution for quick note-taking Google Keep for Chrome:your in-browser solution for quick notes What do you expect from Google Keep? Google Keep stands out as an exceptionally useful notepad that allows you to quickly add notes. Read More La barra lateral contiene su menú y la navegación superior en la web es como la mayoría de los sitios de Google que muestran iconos para Aplicaciones, Notificaciones y su cuenta.

El otro icono que notará en la parte superior le permite cambiar su visualización entre la vista de cuadrícula y la vista de lista. La vista de cuadrícula es perfecta para ver muchas notas de un vistazo, mientras que puede usar la vista de lista para priorizar las notas de arriba a abajo.

También puede hacer clic en el icono de pin en la esquina superior derecha de la nota. Esto mantendrá esa nota en la parte superior en su propia sección..

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

Este diseño ajustable también le permite mover cartas con una simple acción de arrastrar y soltar. Puede reorganizar fácilmente las tarjetas tanto en la cuadrícula como en las vistas de lista, en la web y en su aplicación móvil.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

Otras características útiles

Google Keep tiene algunas características más que pueden ser útiles para tus proyectos y tareas.

Para notas

  • Añadir un dibujo.
  • Mostrar casillas de verificación.

Para listas

  • Desmarcar todos los artículos.
  • Eliminar elementos marcados.
  • Ocultar casillas de verificación.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

Para imagenes

Para las notas que son o contienen imágenes, puede consultar la Tomar el texto de la imagen characteristic. Click the More (tres puntos) en la nota y luego seleccione esa opción. Cualquier texto dentro de esa imagen se copiará directamente en el cuerpo de su nota.

Tenga en cuenta que aunque esta es una característica interesante, Google Keep trae el reconocimiento de texto a las imágenes en la última versión. Google Keep trae el reconocimiento de texto a las imágenes en la última versión. Google Keep ahora aparece estilizado con una nueva barra de acción de color naranja. La aplicación para tomar notas ahora también le brinda una función para buscar texto impreso en imágenes. Lea más, no es exacto, así que asegúrese de revisar el texto que se muestra en su nota para ver si hay errores.

Atajos de teclado

También verá una opción en su menú de Google Keep para Atajos de teclado . Una vez que haga clic en él, aparecerá una ventana emergente con todas las opciones de acceso directo. Por lo tanto, si está utilizando la aplicación en la web, aproveche estas prácticas formas de navegar por Google Keep más rápido.

How to use Google Keep for simple project management

¿Has probado Google Keep para tus proyectos??

Una vez más, Google Keep no es una herramienta de gestión de proyectos con todas las funciones como Microsoft Project o Zoho. Sin embargo, Google Keep ofrece funciones útiles 10 maneras creativas de usar Google Keep cada día 10 formas creativas de usar Google Keep cada día Google Keep es una aplicación simple para tomar notas. But its simplicity hides its usefulness. Here are ten tips and ideas for using Google Keep for the little things in everyday life. Leer más para proyectos simples y gestión de tareas.

¿Lo has probado y, si es así, qué funciones te ayudan más? Si no lo has probado, ¿qué te está frenando? Comparte tus pensamientos con nosotros a continuación!