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How to disable paragraph spacing in Thunderbird

While not as popular as it used to be, desktop email clients provide some great benefits over webmail. You should get rid of webmail for a desktop email client if... You should get rid of webmail for a desktop email client. delirium. Wondering if it's time to go back to a desktop email client? Look no further. We show you the merits of a local mail service. Read More While you can keep desktop mail simple without any customization, advanced users appreciate the use of plugins in Thunderbird 5 Thunderbird plugins that will make it better than Gmail. Thunderbird plugins that will make it better than Gmail. across a range of email clients. I first went with Outlook Express. Then I bought a new computer and decided to test the waters with Thunderbird. Once Gmail became... Read More

So it's frustrating when an update to your favorite software changes options that you expect to behave a certain way. Several users have reported problems with the latest Thunderbird update changing the way they press Enter in space paragraphs; whereas it used to be single spaced, now double spaced between paragraphs.

If you want to go back to the old spacing convention, here's what you need to change in Thunderbird.

Go to Tools> Options> , then under the Composition tab, select General . Now, find the option labeled When using paragraph formatting, the Enter key creates a new paragraph. and disable it. That's it! Pressing Enter while typing a message will now only create one line instead of two.

While you were changing this setting, you probably forgot what you wanted to say in the email. This is why you should use a clipboard manager Keep That Thought:5 Reasons You Need A Clipboard Manager Keep That Thought:5 Reasons You Need A Clipboard Manager When you think about it, copying and pasting is a strange thing. You copy things, but there is no way to see them. And if you copy what you had, it's gone forever. Read more !

Does this setting bother you, or do you prefer to have a new paragraph on one line double spaced? Let us know in the comments!