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How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

Do you need to order an Excel document? Here's how to hide one or more worksheets.

Excel is a very powerful piece of software, and it can produce spreadsheets that are packed with functionality. 3 Excel Dashboard Tips You Should Try 3 Excel Dashboard Tips You Should Try Use our Excel Dashboard tips to organize and display complex spreadsheet data. With your dashboard tidy, you'll see key data points at a glance. Read more . However, sometimes these documents can be quite unwieldy.

One way to make them a bit easier to use is to hide Sheets that are not used regularly. This can be caused by certain Sheets being archived, or by using a Sheet as a means of setting up functions or formulas behind the scenes.

It is not necessary to delete the content of an Excel file to make it inaccessible. Here's our guide on how to hide view sheets.

How to hide a spreadsheet in Excel

Hiding a sheet in Excel is very simple. You can do it in a few simple steps:

  1. Click on the sheet you want to hide.
  2. Navigate to Home> Cells> Format .
  3. Under Visibility , click Hide sheet .
  4. To show the sheet, repeat steps 1-3, but now click Hide .

Hi, voila, your sheet will be hidden from view until you change this setting. Do you need to hide multiple sheets at once or hide extra sheets nicely? We have a few more methods in store for you.

Hide multiple Excel spreadsheets

Excel allows users to hide one or more worksheets at a time, it all depends on how you make your selection. If you only need to hide a single sheet, you can click on it normally. Otherwise, press and hold Shift to select adjacent sheets, and Control if they are not adjacent.

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

As you can see above, I have chosen to select Sheet2 and Sheet3. Once you have made your selection, go to the Cells House section tab and look for Format .

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

Use the Format drop-down menu to access Hide and hide and then select Hide sheet .

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

Now look at the sheet tabs and your selection should be hidden.

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

Here is a useful shortcut. These Excel shortcuts will save you time and effort. These Excel shortcuts will save you time and effort. Read More , then press H twice in a row.

How to hide a spreadsheet in Excel

You can show a Leaf the same way you hid it, but there is a quicker alternative. Right click on a sheet tab and select Hide .

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

This will open the following dialog:

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

Simply click on the sheet you want to reveal, then click OK .

Of course, the above method demonstrates how easy it is for someone else to show a sheet you've hidden. If you really want to keep something hidden, then you'll have to resort to Visual Basic. How to create a custom Excel toolbar from VBA macros. How to Create a Custom Excel Toolbar from VBA Macros Ready to increase your Microsoft Excel productivity? A custom toolbar can do just that. We'll show you how to put all your Excel macros at your fingertips. Read more.

Hide an Excel spreadsheet with Visual Basic

Visual Basic can be an intimidating prospect if you're just starting out. The Excel VBA Programming Tutorial for Beginners The Excel VBA Programming Tutorial for Beginners VBA is a powerful Microsoft Office tool. You can use it to automate tasks with macros, set triggers, and much more. We will introduce you to basic Excel visual programming with a simple project. Read More There is a built-in property in Excel that makes a sheet "very hidden" - it's just a matter of setting a certain value in the Visual Basic Editor.

Open your spreadsheet and open the Visual Basic Editor from the Developer tongue. You may need to add the tab to the ribbon from the Options menu.

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

Once you are in the Editor, select the Sheet you want to hide from the Project window.

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

Then switch to the Properties window and find the Visible attribute.

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

Using the Dropdown List How to Create a Dropdown List in Excel How to Create a Dropdown List in Excel Excel supports versatile dropdown list options. Use them to control user input. We'll show you how to add dropdown lists to your Excel spreadsheets. Read More , which is the same as the normal checks we just went through. We can also select Very hidden , which means that anyone using the spreadsheet must dive into Visual Basic to reveal the sheet.

This is useful if you want to make sure no one accidentally makes changes, or if there's something you want to keep out of sight for other reasons. The Hide The option will not appear as it normally would, so it will be impossible to detect the additional sheet without accessing the Visual Basic Editor.

Select Very hidden , then return to Excel. His blade will darken, and the Hide the option should be greyed out.

How to hide and show spreadsheets in Excel

To reverse the process, simply open the Editor and change the parameter again.

Be careful what you hide

Being able to hide a particular Excel spreadsheet can be very useful, but it can also cause some major headaches.

If you transfer ownership of the document 5 Excel Document Settings You Should Never Forget To Review 5 Excel Document Settings You Should Never Forget To Check When you choose an Excel template or share a spreadsheet, it may contain custom settings you don't want no one sees Always check these settings. Read More Otherwise, they may be left scratching their heads trying to figure out where certain values ​​are obtained from or how a particular function is configured.

Do you have any tips on how to hide and show sheets effectively in Excel? Looking for help with a technique in this guide? Why not join the conversation in the comments section below?