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How to quickly create a custom Excel template to save time

Excel Templates Are Universally Useful:They Can Help You Keep Your Finances In Order 15 Useful Spreadsheet Templates To Help Manage Your Finances 15 Useful Spreadsheet Templates To Help Manage Your Finances Always keep track of your financial health . These free spreadsheet templates are just the tools you need to manage your money. Read more, manage a project 10 Useful Excel Project Management Templates for Tracking 10 Useful Excel Project Management Templates for Tracking Project management templates can help you replicate successful projects. Here are the essential Microsoft Excel templates for you. Read More 10 Incredibly Useful Spreadsheet Templates to Organize Your Life. 10 Incredibly Useful Spreadsheet Templates to Organize Your Life. Is your life a hotbed of missed deadlines, forgotten purchases, and reneged commitments? Sounds like you need to get organized. Read more.

If you want to get the most out of Excel, you'll need to learn how to create your own template. Tips and templates to create a work schedule in Excel. Tips and templates to create a work schedule in Excel. Creating a work schedule is not easy. Excel can help you meet everyone's working hours, meet minimums, and keep your team happy. We show you how and provide you with great templates. Read more . We'll show you how to add fields and formulas that perfectly fit what you need Excel to do with your data.

Why create a custom Excel template?

Excel templates can be used for just about anything. Many people use them for finances (you can make a template for a simple Excel budget. 7 Useful Excel Sheets to Instantly Improve Your Family Budget. 7 Useful Excel Sheets to Instantly Improve Your Family Budget. It's not always It's easy to set up a family budget. But these seven templates will give you the structure you need to get started. Read More

You could prepare a template to help you keep track of the books and games you have checked out each month, for example. Or to manage a list of invitations for regular parties. Even a custom calendar How to Make a Calendar Template in Excel How to Make a Calendar Template in Excel You will always need a calendar. We show you how to create your own custom template for free using Microsoft Excel. Read More

How to quickly create a custom Excel template to save time

You can choose from the pre-made options, but if you know how to edit them or create your own from scratch, you'll get even more out of Excel templates.

You will benefit most from creating a custom template if you have to create the same spreadsheet over and over again, such as a monthly report or weekly calendar. But even if you only have to create a spreadsheet once a year, creating a template could save you time.

How to create an Excel template from scratch

For this example, we will create a custom Excel template from a blank spreadsheet. I'll be making a monthly book loan spreadsheet to show you how the process works. Let's get started!

Here is the information I want to be represented in my spreadsheet:the name of the month, the name of the borrowed book, the person I lent it to, the date they took it, the date they promised it, how many days missing, and the number of books I currently have:

How to quickly create a custom Excel template to save time

The month, days left, and number of books currently on loan have been calculated using formulas 16 Excel Formulas to help you solve real-life problems. 16 Excel Formulas to Help You Solve Real-Life Problems. worked. Excel can solve calculations and process data faster than your calculator can. We show you the key Excel formulas and show you how to use them. Read more . Just to make sure it works, let's put in some data.

How to quickly create a custom Excel template to save time

The month is displayed correctly, the days remaining are calculated accurately, and the number of books displayed reflects the value in the “Returned?” column. It looks good.

Saving your custom template

After removing the information that doesn't need to be there (books, lenders, and dates), we can save it as a template. Hit File> Save As and select Excel Template (.xltx) in the Format dropdown. the Where dropdown will automatically switch to the My templates folder, which is where you want it to be.

How to quickly create a custom Excel template to save time

How to open a template

Now when you want to open a blank copy of the template, just go to File>New from template , and select My Templates from the left sidebar.

How to quickly create a custom Excel template to save time

(Depending on your version of Excel, this process may differ slightly, but it should be fairly easy to figure out how to open a template.)

You now have a fresh copy of the worksheet you created and saved, ready to use, and without having to create all the column headers and formulas all over again.

Convert a worksheet to a template

Creating a spreadsheet from scratch for a template is easy, but you can convert an existing sheet to a template just as easily. Simply delete any information you don't want included in the template, leave everything else, and save it as a new template in the same way as explained above.

How to quickly create a custom Excel template to save time

For example, if you download a personal budget spreadsheet and it includes a line item for a mortgage, but you don't have a mortgage, you can delete it or replace it with something else and then save it as a template, saving you customization time each month. (Just make sure that anything you remove isn't going to change the way the included formulas work.)

Download and customize ready-to-use templates

If you don't have a worksheet, you can convert it to a custom template. You can also use an available template. An Excel template for every occasion. An Excel template for every occasion. Skip the learning curve and get your life in order with it. The power of Excel templates. We've compiled a selection of auto-updating templates for tracking budgets, managing projects, and more. Read More You can find free templates in the following resources:

  • Spreadsheet123
  • Vertex 42
  • Excel templates

Microsoft Office It also has free templates. In Excel, you see a selection of templates every time you open a new document. You can use the find templates online search box to find what you need. Or you can browse all available templates for Excel at

Your best Excel templates

As you can see, creating an Excel template is an easy process that could save you a ton of time in the long run, especially if you find yourself recreating the same spreadsheet on a weekly or even daily basis.

What have you used custom Excel templates for? Share your best ideas so we can all save some time and be more efficient!