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How to quickly add rows to a table in Microsoft Word

When you think of working with numbers, Microsoft Word may not be the first tool that comes to mind. Excel has been the go-to spreadsheet app for years, and you can find plenty of alternatives. 5+ Cross-Platform Excel Alternatives for When You're Out of the Office 5+ Cross-Platform Excel Alternatives for When You're Out of the Office Worried about your Excel files when working from home or making the switch from Windows to an alternative operating system? Chill out! Here are your cross-platform Excel alternatives. Read More

Excel is so pervasive that many people don't even know that Word has some basic math tools How to Write Math Equations in Office 2016 How to Write Math Equations in Office 2016 Need to put a math equation in a Microsoft Word document? Here's how to make sure you look perfect, every time. Read more . Be honest, how many times have you looked for the nearest calculator when presented with a table of figures in a document you are working on?

It doesn't have to be that way. I'm going to show you how to easily add rows to a table in Word.

1. Create a table

You can only use math functions in Word when you're working on a table. There is no way to add figures if they are only in regular text.

To put a table in a Word document, go to Insert> Table and select the grid size you want, or copy and paste a table into your document from Excel. Be sure to leave a blank row.

How to quickly add rows to a table in Microsoft Word

You should end up with something like this:

How to quickly add rows to a table in Microsoft Word

2. Turn on layout and layout tabs

The two tabs you need to work with tables are hidden by default. You can only activate and use them by clicking on your table.

When your table is selected, you will see Layout and Design They appear in the row of tabs. Select Layout .

How to quickly add rows to a table in Microsoft Word

Place the cursor where you want Word to place the final calculation.

3. Choose your formula

With the Design selected tab, locate the Formula Button on the right side of the ribbon.

How to quickly add rows to a table in Microsoft Word

To perform a simple addition calculation, simply press OK . Word will automatically place the result in your table.

How to quickly add rows to a table in Microsoft Word

Add the finishing touches to your table design and you're done.

How to quickly add rows to a table in Microsoft Word

Did you know about this easy way to add rows in Microsoft Word? What Other Nifty Tricks Does This Trick Use To Improve Table Position In Microsoft Word Use This Trick To Improve Table Position In Microsoft Word Organizing tables in Microsoft Word can be a huge pain, but there's a lesser-known trick that can make your life much easier. Read more do you know about? You can leave your thoughts in the comments below..