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A way to improve Google Form response rates

Forms are often boring, and no one really expects to complete a Google Forms survey. But what if you could increase responses to your forms by making them more interactive and less annoying?

You can, with the help of a free chatbot called

Chatbots are small programs with big brains

Webopedia says that a chatbot is a computer program that mimics human conversation with the help of artificial intelligence. Cleverly designed chatbots could put annoying customer support customers out of business very soon.

But not yet. For now, chatbots are just replacing apps. Is this a Chatbot to replace your favorite smartphone app? Is a Chatbot About to Replace Your Favorite Smartphone App? Chatbots have been driving conversations on social media for years. Lately, more and more have been appearing. As chatbots become more advanced, is there a chance they will replace your favorite apps? Read more . Check out the popular Duolingo app and its chatbot, which helps you learn a new language. Fun isn't it? is a chatbot that injects artificial intelligence into your Google forms, completely changing the way responders react to and complete your surveys.

Turn any Google form into a fun chatbot

There are only three steps involved:

  1. Create your Google form.
  2. Paste the google form link into
  3. Click Create bot and it's done!

A way to improve Google Form response rates

You can use the chatbot as an interface to a Google form in any situation where responses are required (eg surveys, contact forms, class tests). also gives you some more benefits like adding bot dialogs to make it more conversational.

For example, a correct answer and the bot can exclaim. “Correct answer!”

A way to improve Google Form response rates

A no logging service you can use in five seconds.. It doesn't ask for your personal data, just an email where you receive a link that you can use to edit the bot in the future. Google Form is SSL protected and is never stored by

As a final step, you can share your bot instead of the Google Form. Preview first to see if all the questions and answers are in the right place. If you're happy, just share the link.

Try and let us know if it's interesting enough for you. What other features would you like to see used?