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4 key ideas to help your passion business take off quickly!

I love passion! I love the goal! I love making money doing what you love! I love all of this and believe anyone can do just that. However, finding the thing that you want to build your life around, that is fueled by passion, that is driven by purpose, and that you love, is only the first step.

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You must also make this passion earn you money.

And guess how you do that?! - PEOPLE! People are what you get by having a big dream of what you want to happen to achieve it. Let me explain by going through these 4 points.

What is the problem

So you have taken the first step. You have decided to make money doing what you love. You wake up with a spring in your step knowing you've finally found the thing you want to let go.

Well, it won't be long before you realize that you can't live on happy feelings alone – you have to bring money. And you make money by solving someone else's problems.

You know what you want to do, great. But how does he solve a problem or meet someone else's need? Why will they buy it from you? Do they know they need it?

Take a moment here to see how your thing fits their needs. If you can find an urgent and pressing need, even better.

Look, that doesn't mean giving up on your ideas of how you want to spend your life. It means being VERY creative about how you position what you want to offer as a solution to a problem they have.

If you have something completely new, you may need to spend time trying out different ways to position yourself in the market – BE COMMITTED to this process and over time you will be clear on how what you have solved their problem.

If you choose to market products already on the market, check the strategies of your competitors. Note any shortcomings in how they deliver and also remember that you are unique and the way you do things will never be the same as anyone else.

Let your newness shine through. Go to Amazon, check reviews, see what people are complaining about if your product or service is mentioned online, go to forums, do some research. Decide how to position yourself to solve the problem.

This is a major key to making money doing what you love – YOU MUST SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM. As mentioned, it may take some trial and error to figure out how to fix the problem, but DO THE WORK! And please don't lose hope, even if it seems long and tedious.


4 key ideas to help your passion business take off quickly!

OK, now you need to start communicating with people, online, offline, anywhere and everywhere. You need to speak up and how you can help them in any way you can.

Think about different ways to tell others about yourself. Guest blog, write articles, be active on social media, attend networking events, get featured on radio, be on magazine fronts. Do not hold back. When you have an idea on how to spread the word about yourself, keep going! Don't give yourself too much time to think about it. You can refine your approach later.

For now, do all you can. When you have ideas for results, you can then decide to change tactics by seeing what works and what doesn't. But for now, just do it! Be everywhere, do something.

And if you're just getting started, don't underestimate the effort it will take to be seen everywhere. Don't think it's too much and people will get bored of you - That's not the truth! It's just your fear talking. You have to keep getting out any way you can!

See also:How Online Blogging Influences Business Trends


Ok, now that people are starting to notice you, your next goal is to start capturing people in your world. You need to have your own social media platform – A business page or group that you manage and can invite people to. This is a safe starting point for more people.

And then you want to put them on a mailing list of your choice. Even though we live in a very social media driven world, you don't know which platform will still be around next year. If you've spent a lot of time and money bringing people to the only platform that shuts down, you're losing your audience and honey, you need an audience.

You have to start building an audience from ground zero, so please don't read these points sequentially and think you're doing these things one at a time. NO!!! You are doing all of this at the same time. You start building an audience even when you're not sure what solution you're offering.

Yes, I know that sounds contrary to what you thought but that, my dear, is why a lot of people fail in business. They think everything should follow the way we were all trained in school. No! At school you were trained to be employed and now you are an entrepreneur. Everything is a bit contrary to what you learned.

Start building that mailing list now.


4 key ideas to help your passion business take off quickly!

Every day, in some way, you have to mention your product, service, art, books, music, whatever! EVERY DAY!

I'm appalled and horrified by the number of entrepreneurs, especially online ones, who don't tell people how they can fix problems and then go the extra mile and tell people exactly what to do to BUY something. Never assume people will read the lines and know what to do next, they won't. They'll just assume you're entertaining, inspiring, and educating for no reason. They'll like you but they won't buy from you.

And remember that people are very distracted! Life today is very busy. If you don't tell them specifically what to do next to buy from you, they just won't buy. You will, however, have created space for the next savvy entrepreneur who offers what you are but has the wisdom to mention it repeatedly. You would have warmed up the client!

And again, don't be put off by the number of audiences you need to build to start making consistent sales. Just keep following all of these key ways and keep building wealth for you and yours slowly but surely and consistently.

See also:How to grow small businesses

Yes, you can create a life by making money doing what you love, but it will take hard, committed, and focused activity. But hey, if you like doing it, does it really work?

Fight for, deliberately design the life you were born for. Because you want it.