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How to boost your audience on social networks

Laughing is a universal language and one of our first methods of communication (before speaking, humans laugh). And according to the researchers, this is what makes content on the Internet viral, which is then more shared.

1 – It creates unity

We laugh 30 times more when we are with other people than alone, according to psychologist Robert R. Provine. Laughter eases tension and indeed creates unity across the group. If we make our followers laugh, we establish a sense of community with them and build strong bonds with them (hang out on the Gazette du Mauvais Goût for inspiration).

2 – It triggers emotional reactions

Humor creates positive feelings, and laughing releases endorphins, relaxes the body and de-stresses. These are unconscious physiological responses, and by being funny on the networks, we are therefore associated with this well-being by others.

3 – We mark the memory

Positive feelings are more easily etched in memory than negative feelings, some researchers believe. Indeed, everyone forgets a boring video on Youtube, while a funny video turns into a reference. Making your audience laugh helps them remember us in the medium and long term.