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Legal announcement of business creation:where to publish it? What cost?

A legal announcement is a very specific form of advertising that is also called judicial and legal announcement. It makes it possible to disseminate the legal information of a company and thus to give it legal publicity in official journals. When to publish it? How to proceed ? How much does it cost to post the legal notice? Here's everything you need to know about it.

The usefulness of a legal notice

The legal notice has been around for a very long time. It was set up in the 16th century under Henry II. Since the publication of decree number 55-22 of January 4, 1955 reforming land registration, legal publication is mandatory. Most of the legal announcements relate to the daily life of companies. These can be a small company such as an EURL, a sole proprietorship with limited liability, or a very large listed company such as an SA, a public limited company.

Legal announcements may concern companies and therefore legal persons, but also natural persons. In this case, the announcements provide information on a change of matrimonial regime or a change of patronymic name.

In which cases to publish a legal notice?

Legal notices must be published in certain situations. The first is during the creation of a company, once the statutes have been adopted. This obligation applies to all legal forms that must draw up their articles of association, namely:

  • one-person limited liability companies (EURL),
  • limited liability companies (SARL),
  • sociétés anonymes (SA),
  • simplified joint-stock companies (SAS),
  • general partnerships (SNC),
  • cooperative production companies (SCOP),
  • sociétés en commandite par actions (SCA),
  • limited partnerships (SCS).

A legal notice is also published in the event of:

  • transfer of registered office,
  • a change of manager,
  • modification of the corporate purpose.

In these situations, the legal announcement must contain the information already present in the statutes. As a reminder, this information is as follows:

  • the corporate name of the company,
  • the legal form,
  • address of the head office,
  • the amount of share capital,
  • the name and contributions of each partner,
  • the activities of the company,
  • seniority.,
  • appointment of officers, chairman, director, management committee, etc.,
  • decision-making rules,
  • distribution of shares,
  • the opening and closing dates of the financial year.

It is the manager of the company who is responsible for publishing the legal announcements.

Which newspaper to choose to publish a legal notice?

Companies, whatever their legal form, cannot choose the newspaper. They must take into consideration the decree which lists the authorized legal announcement newspapers. It is published by the prefecture every year. If the list is modified during the year, then the prefecture publishes an amending order. The frequency of publication is a maximum of one week. Some newspapers have daily issues. Legal advertising is not commercial. It does not include a logo and the font is imposed. It is therefore not necessary to call on a graphic designer as would be the case for a classic advertisement.

How much does it cost to publish a legal notice?

The pricing of a legal announcement is defined by ministerial decree for each department. The price is per line and no promotion or commercial discount can be made on it. According to the law, a reduction of 70% is applied for people who benefit from legal aid. In the context of collective proceedings, a 50% discount is in effect. The average price per ad is €120.