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How to add and print PowerPoint with speaker notes

PowerPoint speaker notes can help you master an important presentation in school The Best PowerPoint Templates for Educational Presentations The Best PowerPoint Templates for Educational Presentations Whether you're teaching a class, giving a lecture, creating a tutorial, or running a training , these PowerPoint templates are perfect for your presentation. Read more or work. Make a list of all the points you want to cover and never lose your train of thought again. And in case you can't see the screen while talking, print the notes as a backup.

Let us show you how to add speaker notes in PowerPoint, how to view them during your presentation, and how to print your notes.

Why Add PowerPoint Speaker Notes

Project Confidence When Delivering a Presentation Kill These 8 Public Speaking Demons To Conquer Your Fear Kill These 8 Public Speaking Demons To Conquer Your Fear It's often said that people fear public speaking more than death. But it is something that many have to do regularly. Here are eight public speaking demons and how to kill them. Read More If you're afraid you might forget a tricky detail of your presentation, or just want it to go off without a hitch, speaker notes are the peace of mind you've been looking for.

You can refer to your notes as you deliver the slideshow to your audience. During the presentation, the notes are visible on your monitor but not visible to everyone else. Adding your notes is also a great way to store additional information that you'd like to share with your audience during your presentation, but prefer to leave off your slides.

How to add notes in PowerPoint

To add speaker notes, as you work on your presentation, begin typing your comments in a box that appears below each slide. If for some reason the Notes panel does not appear, click Notes in the taskbar at the bottom of the PowerPoint window.

How to add and print PowerPoint with speaker notes

You can expand the Notes panel if your notes exceed the allotted length. Use the vertical scroll bar on the right side or drag the top line of the panel up (not available in PowerPoint Online).

When you start your presentation and go into Presenter View, you'll get access to notes, while only the slides will appear on the projector screen for your audience.

How to add and print PowerPoint with speaker notes

Change the size of the text in the Notes box so you can read it comfortably during the presentation.

How to format note pages

You can view your notes in Presenter View or print them to have them physically in front of you. However, before they're ready to print, you may want to see what your notes will look like on one page.

To see how your notes will print, as well as to see the full effect of any text formatting you choose to apply (for example, font colors, changing headers and footers), you'll need to switch to Notes Page watch. Go to View tab and click Notes Page .

How to add and print PowerPoint with speaker notes

In Notes Page view, you'll find your notes below each slide in the presentation, all on separate pages. In this mode, you can add data to your notes, such as charts, tables, or other illustrations. Here you can also zoom, reposition, or format the slide or note area.

As you create your notes, keep in mind that all objects and images you add Notes Page The view will appear on your printed notes page, but will be invisible on your screen when you switch to Normal View . That doesn't apply to text edits, they're visible on both the Notes page and Normal view.

For more formatting options, like changing the font style for all notes, switch to Notes Master. Below View tab choose Master , then click Notes Master .

How to add and print PowerPoint with speaker notes

With Notes Master you can put logos on your notes pages, images, as well as change the appearance and position of the slide area, the notes area, edit headers, footers, page numbers and date.

How to print PowerPoint with notes

If you are viewing your notes in Presenter View During your presentation it is not enough, you can print them. Print your PowerPoint speaker notes without slide thumbnails, or include them, either to hand out to your audience or to prepare for your presentation.

To print PowerPoint notes with slide thumbnails:

  1. Go to the File tab and click Print .
  2. Under Settings , change the default Full Page Slides to Notes Pages .*
  3. Click Print .

How to add and print PowerPoint with speaker notes

* If you want to change the page orientation (either slides, notes or both), go to Page Setup to see more options.

To print PowerPoint notes without slide thumbnails:

  1. In your presentation, go to the Notes Page view (in the View click the Notes Page menu ).
  2. Remove slide thumbnails from each of the notes pages individually.
  3. Go to the File tab and click Print .
  4. Under Settings , choose Notes Pages .
  5. Click Print .

Please note that you can only print one page of speaker notes per printed page, even when you choose to print without thumbnails.

More presentation options

Present on multiple monitors

View PowerPoint speaker notes privately when presenting with two monitors. A green alternative to printing your notes is to use Presenter View . Have your presentation with speaker notes on your laptop, while the audience watches the slide-only presentation on a different monitor.

Make use of your smartphone

You can use PowerPoint on your smartphone as a remote control to run your presentation and view speaker notes.

To enable that mode, open your presentation in Presenter View on your smartphone. Move slides with a tap and use a laser pointer to draw the audience's attention to the most important parts of your presentation.

Here is a perfect presentation

You have your presentation ready, speaker notes to support you, all you need to do to make sure everything goes well is rehearse your presentation and see how long your speech will last. This Website Will Tell You How Long Your Speech Will Be This Website Tells You How Long Your Speech Will Be If you're giving a speech soon, it's a good idea to be prepared and know how long you can speak. Here's how to see how long your written speech will be. Read more . Avoid Common PowerPoint Mistakes 9 PowerPoint Mistakes to Avoid for Perfect Presentations 9 PowerPoint Mistakes to Avoid for Perfect Presentations It's easy to screw up your PowerPoint presentation. Let's take a look at the mistakes you're likely to make when presenting your slideshow and how to fix them. Read More

Have you ever felt like you were missing speaker notes during an important presentation? Do you find PowerPoint speaker notes useful or do they distract you from interacting with the audience?