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How to Tame Gmail Inbox Anxiety

So many emails, so little time. Do you feel this way when it comes to managing your Gmail inbox? 3 Quick Gmail Tips to Make Your Inbox Easier to Use 3 Quick Gmail Tips to Make Your Inbox Easier to Use Gmail is simple enough to use, but these tips will help you get things done. things you didn't know were possible. Read more ?

It can be hard to find important messages when your inbox is flooded. But, with simple configuration settings and helpful tools, you can avoid Gmail inbox anxiety.

Select a style

Gmail offers several different types of inbox views, and each one can be customized. Whether you want to see the most important messages first or those that haven't been read, the Inbox Type setup has you covered.

The Defect The inbox type categorizes your emails into tabs. This is a convenient way to keep social, promotional, update, and forum messages separate from your main messages. You can also enable or disable the tabs.

How to Tame Gmail Inbox Anxiety

The Important First Type is perfect for seeing the most critical messages first. This creates two sections; one with the important messages at the top and one with everything else below. You can also choose to have 5 to 50 items in each area.

The First unread and Crash first types work the same as the Important First type with two sections each.

How to Tame Gmail Inbox Anxiety

To make your selection, click the gear icon> Settings> Inbox . Then choose from Inbox type dropdown box.

If you're itching to wait for an email or search for the one you need, maybe changing your inbox style is just the thing.

Proceed with priorities

With Gmail, you can easily prioritize your important messages. And, if you make a few simple tweaks, future incoming emails will be sorted and flagged accordingly.

Priority mailbox

Another style that uses sections is the Priority mailbox . This type puts your important and unread messages first, your starred second, and then everything else at the bottom by default. But the good thing about this type is that you can adjust the sections according to your needs.

How to Tame Gmail Inbox Anxiety

For example, if you prefer to have your unread messages first, followed by important ones, it's a simple change. Another great feature of Priority Inbox is that you can add a section based on one of your labels. This is useful if you want to see certain tagged emails quickly.

Markers of importance

The importance markers section can be useful in determining which messages should be marked as such. And if you're using the Priority Inbox or First Important styles, be sure to review these options.

How to Tame Gmail Inbox Anxiety

Gmail scans your incoming emails and marks them as important accordingly. The determination includes several factors, including your activity on similar messages and common keywords in those you read. If you prefer not to use this prediction feature, you can disable it in the settings.

Both options can be configured by selecting gear icon> Settings> Inbox .

So if priority emails are your biggest concern, consider these options. When you use the Priority Inbox type and adjust your importance markers, you always have the most important messages at your fingertips.

Lead with tags

Gmail Labels Rediscover Gmail Labels and finally get control of your inbox. Rediscover Gmail labels and finally get control of your inbox. There are plenty of tricks to dealing with email overload, but there's one right under your nose that you might not be using:good old Gmail etiquette. Read More If you set up labels, your posts will automatically be tagged with their assigned titles and colors. This makes it easy for you to see certain emails at a glance, as well as group them together.

You can think of labels as folders in a sense. When a label is created, it will show up in your inbox list and will contain all messages that apply to it. You can also nest tags below others, similar to the concept of a subfolder.

How to Tame Gmail Inbox Anxiety

You can create, edit, show, hide and delete labels by selecting gear icon> Settings> Labels . You can apply and create new labels while you have an email open by clicking the label icon. You can also do this from the home screen if you have one or more flagged messages.

Fill in the filters

The Gmail Filter Feature 5 Gmail Filters to Help Prioritize and Organize Your Inbox 5 Gmail Filters to Help Prioritize and Organize Your Inbox What filters should each person have in their arsenal to make their inbox be as tidy as mine? I'm here to help you get started setting up your first five filters, or... Read More Just like the rules feature in Outlook, you can set up triggers for emails to be flagged, labeled, archived, flagged, and more. This allows you to see a more organized inbox when you open it.

You can create, edit and delete filters by selecting gear icon> Settings> Filters and blocked addresses . If you have an email open that you want to set a filter for, simply select more arrow next to Reply button and choose Filter messages like this . You can also do this from the main inbox screen by using the checkboxes to mark emails.

How to Tame Gmail Inbox Anxiety

When the filter popup appears, you will select your filter options. First, you'll select what types of messages you want to filter. As examples, you can choose to have all messages from a certain recipient, with a specific word in the subject or body of the message, or those that have an attachment.

How to Tame Gmail Inbox Anxiety

Then click Create filter with this search and choose the action(s) to perform. You can select more than one action, such as applying a label, marking it as important, and categorizing it.

Move quickly with shortcuts

To access your inbox 15 Useful Gmail Shortcuts You May Have Forgotten 15 Useful Gmail Shortcuts For those using the Gmail web interface, these keyboard shortcuts will instantly increase your productivity. Read More First, make sure you have the option enabled by selecting gear icon> Settings>General> Keyboard shortcuts .

You can use many keyboard shortcuts to compose messages, format text, perform actions, and navigate. This allows you to manage and manage your inbox faster. Here are some of the common shortcuts that can help you, but you can also visit Gmail Help for a full list:

  • Compose an email:do
  • Reply to an email:R
  • Re-send an email:F
  • Delete an email:#
  • Mark as read:Change + me
  • Mark as important:+ or <=
  • Go to a label:G + L
  • Go to inbox:G + I

Aim for applications

While Gmail has useful features to help you access your inbox seamlessly, you can also use a convenient app.

Boomerang for Gmail

To schedule emails to send later Schedule your messages within Gmail with Boomerang Schedule your messages within Gmail with Boomerang Baydin (the company behind Boomerang) has just announced that users can reschedule messages within Gmail once they have been sent. scheduled. Read More When you have time to sit down and write an email, but don't want it sent right away, this app is convenient. And if you need to follow up on a message later, set up a nifty reminder.

Boomerang for Gmail also has a feature to remind you of a message if you don't get a response from the recipient. This feature makes following up with emails easier and relieves you of trying to remember on your own.

Inbox by Gmail

Inbox by Gmail is another app that can help you with your inbox. 10 super efficient ways. Inbox by Gmail saves you time. 10 super efficient ways. Inbox by Gmail saves you time. Inbox by Gmail is Google's newest approach to email organization and management. It can give you a simpler email workflow. Find out if Inbox by Gmail might be the best option for you. Read more . This standalone tool is derived from Google's Gmail to offer easier message management. You can turn emails into to-dos, use pre-prepared responses, create reminders, and postpone messages for later.

When you first log into your Gmail inbox, you'll see that all the labels you created in Gmail will be there. And, you'll notice a great feature for sorting your incoming messages, called Packets.

Just like the categories in Gmail for social, promotional, and forum messages, the app provides a few more. Your travel, shopping, and finance emails will also be sorted into categories. All of this makes viewing your inbox a breeze.

So if you're interested in a little extra help with organizing, scheduling, and remembering, try a handy tool.

How to deal with inbox anxiety?

You don't have to waste time trying to control your Gmail inbox. Take Back Control Over Your Inbox With These 5 Tips For Managing Gmail Take Back Control Over Your Inbox With These 5 Tips For Managing Gmail Everyone knows that these days it's pretty hard to survive or manage your affairs without email . In fact, most people have two or three emails to manage, so without good email management... Read More And these days, who has time to waste? These helpful tips can ease the stress of a flooded inbox.

Do you have an effective process or useful tool you use to manage your Gmail inbox? If so, let us know in the comments below!