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How to use Find and Replace in pictures in Microsoft Word

When it comes to quickly changing large amounts of text, 10 Handy Productivity Add-ins for Microsoft Word 10 Handy Productivity Add-ins for Microsoft Word add-ins can completely change your workflow. If you no longer have to leave your document for small tasks, your productivity will increase. Try these 10 mini apps for Microsoft Word. Read More gold for many programmers. Our tips focus on efficient coding, but general users will appreciate the keyboard shortcuts. Read More Instead of manually replacing each instance of cow with the word chicken manually, for example, you can use the tool to replace them in one fell swoop.

But did you know that you could use the function to replace all instances of one image with another? Now, it's not perfect, as it will replace all the images with the same one, but if you have something like a logo in a long document that needs to be updated, this will make it easier.

  • Insert the new image at the top of the document..
  • Right-click on it and select Copy .
  • Delete the image.
  • Press CTRL + H to start the Find and Replace tool.
  • In the Find that Field Type ^g .
  • In the Replace with Field Type ^c .
  • Click Replace All .
  • Click OK to agree on the number of instances to be replaced.

the ^g en is Word's interpretation for graphics (which stands for pictures for our purposes), and the ^c it's your clipboard. So by following the steps above, you're telling Word to replace all graphics with the contents of your clipboard.

Do you know any cool picture tricks in Microsoft Word? Let us know in the comments!