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3 questions to wake up and stop living on autopilot

We've all been caught riding on autopilot at one point or another. Sometimes it's deliberate and strategic, planned as a way to recharge and build momentum for the next big move. In these cases, go on a cruise. You can't always be turned on, and giving your mind the space to wander is actually beneficial:prioritizing brain breaks throughout the day, week, month, etc.
But the more often than not, we don't recognize that our lives are stuck on autopilot, run by our busy schedules, our Google calendars, instead of our very selves. It's dangerous. That's when you watch from your computer and realize that half the year has passed and you haven't signed up for that cooking class or camping trip. with friends. This is when people say, “Time flies so fast; where is it going? »
Related: Time is your most precious resource – don't waste it
Time flies by, with or without our permission. The difference lies in our presence. When you are intentional with your time, you feel it passing. You know exactly where the minutes go, because like a down payment, each hour propels you forward. The length of your to-do list has nothing to do with actual traction. Intentional understanding of traction requires a thoughtful purpose behind everything you do, and sadly, there's no app for that.
So how do you get yourself back in the driver's seat? The first step is to recognize when you were started on the passenger side. Start with these three questions:
1. Where do I need to be, professionally or personally, in a year?
Try not to look ahead in a year. It can get overwhelming up to five years, but many tend to underestimate their own potential and may aim too low with less time. One year keeps the goal a little out of reach and gives a greater sense of achievable.
Be honest. If you're unhappy right now, dig deep and ask yourself the uncomfortable questions about what needs to change.
Related: 5 simple questions successful people ask themselves every day
2. What baby steps can I take to get there?
You have 365 days. How do you want to invest them? You may not know what steps are needed at first glance, and that's OK. If you find yourself paralyzed by inaction, step back from the present and put on your future shoes. Maybe you want to be a film producer. Close your eyes and imagine what your day looks like. What tasks will you perform in the future? These are probably things you haven't mastered yet, so work back and answer how and where you can gain experience, training, or a mentor in these areas throughout the next year. Breaking things down into bite-sized pieces makes uncertainty taste much better.
3. Is my time currently being used in a way that helps me achieve these goals?
Naturally everyone needs some work, and sometimes our passions don't always align with our 9 at 5. I'm not saying quit your full-time job with benefits to pursue your woodworking dreams. Not yet.
If woodworking is your calling, don't spend the rest of your adult life buried in spreadsheets. But strategic transition and one bite at a time. Take a weekend sculpting class. Place some of your works online and build a fan base. Move forward by using your time intentionally to get closer to your goal. The key is to be realistic. If Rome wasn't built in a day, why do so many people believe that success "just happens"?
Related: 10 Little Things Successful People Do Differently
The biggest part of exiting autopilot is doing it in a way that doesn't change altitudes too quickly, with a flight path that's tangible and doesn't burn all your fuel and sends you into a dive. Although partying every Friday night or watching the House of Cards frenzy isn't necessarily going to propel you to that promotion, having a well-balanced life and a support group of friends to keep you on track.
Autopilot has an intimate feel because you know what to expect – Tuesday is laundry and takeout day. Falling into a routine provides structure, but when you think back to the times in life when you felt most excited, proud and alive, they are usually products of change.
Newness has enormous potential, which is ironically the exact reason why people find her intimidating. You can't always predict how far the swing will wobble. But living with blinkers and an aversion to change has its own unintended consequences. Procrastination or indecision about the direction of your life often means that you are simply making the choice to let someone else (be it your boss, your partner, etc.) control your course.
Time moves on and your life will unfold whether you're steering the wheel or watching from the passenger seat. The question is, are you okay with that?
Related: 5 tips for using your time well