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5 Resources for Excel Macros to Automate Your Spreadsheets

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The More You Know About Excel 5 Courses To Improve Your Excel Skills And Save 5 Courses To Upgrade Your Excel Skills And Save If you want to work smarter or even get a raise, these packages at MakeUseOf Deals can help you Read More , the more powerful the software becomes Once you're fairly comfortable with the application, it's worth getting familiar with the macros. Macros can help remove minor tasks from your workflow, giving you time to focus on more important matters.

The simplest type of macro is a series of actions performed manually, which you can "record" and perform again with the touch of a button. More advanced examples use VBA Excel VBA Programming Tutorial for Beginners Excel VBA Programming Tutorial for Beginners VBA is a powerful Microsoft Office tool. You can use it to automate tasks with macros, set triggers, and much more. We will introduce you to basic Excel visual programming with a simple project. Read more to automate complex processes..

Macros really become their own once you can create them to suit the task at hand. However, these five sites will help you find existing macros that can save you time and effort.

1. /r/Excel

There's a subreddit for everything, and that includes Microsoft Excel. Reddit users discuss all aspects of the software, and macros are a popular topic of conversation. If you're looking for a particular type of macro, your best bet is the site's search tools. However, if you simply want to see the best of the best, check out the best macro competition of October 2016.

With a $10 Amazon gift card on the line, users contributed their best macros. There's no particular topic, so it's a great look at what various people consider to be their most useful effort. The winner created a useful macro that allows users to go back to the last sheet they viewed in their current workbook.

Discussion Comment Discussion stilelits Comment "To stimulate this community, I'm hosting a Macro competition for a $10 Amazon gift card!"

Other notables include a way to insert consistently formatted page numbers. 9 Tips for Formatting an Excel Chart in Microsoft Office 9 Tips for Formatting an Excel Chart in Microsoft Office First impressions are important. Don't let an ugly Excel chart scare off your audience. Here's everything you need to know to make your charts cool and engaging in Excel 2016. Read More

2. Excel Forum

Many Excel users rely on the Excel Forum for help with their various projects and issues. The site hosts a forum dedicated to programming, VBA, and macros, and is a great place to find new macros created by other users.

Typically, people ask for help, rather than post finished macros. Top 10 OneNote Macros You Should Try Top 10 OneNote Macros You Should Try OneNote is an amazing productivity tool, but you can take it to the next level by using macros. We show you how to get started and the best macros available right now. Read More This is great, as other user responses will often explain the thought process behind using certain techniques, rather than how to execute them.

Unless you're looking for something in particular, the best way to navigate the site is to sort the threads by their number of views. That way, you'll see which topics have proven to be the most popular. Since the Excel Forum has been active for over a decade, there is plenty of content to peruse.

3. Mr Excel

If you can't find what you're looking for in the Excel Forum, Mr. Excel should be your next port of call. While not as extensive, this site has an equally helpful user base with a deep understanding of all things Excel.

The only downside to Mr. Excel is that it's not as well categorized as Excel Forum. As a result, there is no separation between posts about macros and more general queries. However, you can easily fix this problem by running a search for “macro,” or “VBA,” or another similar term.

4. Chandoo

Chandoo is a popular resource for people to learn about all aspects of Excel 14 Tips to Save Time in Microsoft Excel 14 Tips to Save Time in Microsoft Excel If Microsoft Excel has been a time-consuming in the past, let us show you how to get some of it back. These simple tips are easy to remember. Read more . However, one particularly useful element of the site is its extensive library of demo macros. Some cool examples include a method for splitting text into cells, a way to get stock quotes, and tips on how to use your spreadsheet to send emails.

This is a great site for people learning Excel, as the macros are accompanied by tons of information. En lugar de simplemente darle el código para descubrirlo por sí mismo, a menudo hay notas para explicar cómo funciona la macro. Sin duda, puedes ahorrar tiempo y esfuerzo utilizando la macro de otra persona, pero Chandoo te ayudará a aprender cómo crear macros nuevas para ti..

5. Excel Easy

Excel Easy es otro destino popular para las personas que buscan mejorar su comprensión de Excel. Tiene muchos tutoriales para principiantes 3 Consejos para principiantes para administrar hojas de trabajo en Excel 3 Consejos para principiantes para administrar hojas de trabajo en Excel Las hojas de trabajo son la esencia de Excel. Aquí hay algunos consejos que te ayudarán a mantenerte organizado y productivo. Lea más a través de expertos, pero si se está enfocando en macros, querrá revisar su sección de ejemplos.

Los ejemplos se enfocan en un tipo particular de macro y explican cómo crearlo paso a paso. Encontrará tutoriales sobre lo más básico, hasta temas más avanzados como bucles e incluso proyectos expertos como indicadores de progreso personalizados..

Excel Easy tiene ejemplos de todo tipo de macros y, a diferencia de los foros anteriores, están organizados por temas. Sin embargo, la mejor parte es la claridad y profundidad de las instrucciones que se acompañan. Está ensamblando estas macros paso a paso, por lo que debería terminar con una comprensión completa de cómo funcionan.

Próximos pasos con macros de Excel

Si entiende qué son las macros y qué pueden hacer, está un paso por delante del usuario promedio de Excel. Dicho esto, para realmente aprovechar al máximo esta función, debes considerar aprender a crear tus propias macros, en lugar de confiar en las creaciones de otras personas..

Cada hoja de cálculo de Excel es diferente y las tareas que deben automatizarse variarán de un usuario a otro. Crear tus propias macros significa que se adaptan a tus necesidades. El tiempo que dedica a aprender 4 errores que puede evitar al programar macros de Excel con VBA 4 errores que puede evitar al programar macros de Excel con VBA El código simple y las macros son las claves de los superpoderes de Microsoft Excel. Incluso los que no son programadores pueden agregar fácilmente una funcionalidad impresionante a sus hojas de cálculo con los conceptos básicos virtuales para aplicaciones (VBA). ¡Evita estos errores de principiante de programación! Vale la pena leer más una vez que pueda eliminar macros simples para resolver problemas simples.

Crear macros no tiene que ser intimidante. Puede comenzar grabando una macro y luego profundizar en VBA con algunas de las guías paso a paso anteriores. Antes de que te des cuenta, serás un macro maestro de buena fe..

¿Está buscando una macro de Excel en particular y no encuentra nada? ¿Te has topado con una macro genial que quieres compartir con otros lectores? ¿Por qué no añadir su voz a la sección de comentarios a continuación??