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Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft

Sway is a novel tool for creating cloud-based presentations. Sway offers a fast design experience, focusing on the collection of images, text and video, which are obtained from the web or from your computer. It's a canvas for your ideas, quick to create and easy to share.

Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft

Sway is still in closed preview, but we were lucky to have been pulled out of the giant hat with a winning raffle ticket.

What is Sway?

Sway is part of Microsoft Office Online Don't pay for Word! 5 reasons why you should use Office Online Don't pay for Word! 5 reasons why you should use Office Online Office Online is the free, cloud-connected version of Microsoft Office. The limitations are offset by features, useful even for desktop Office users. Best of all is its Read More collection. Unlike PowerPoint, a Sway presentation has no borders, no page breaks, and no slides, moving from one idea to another through a range of predetermined styles and states (more on that later). In that sense, it's closely related to PowerPoint and other presentation tools Better Than PowerPoint:3 Online Tools to Create Beautiful Presentations Better Than PowerPoint:3 Online Tools to Create Beautiful Presentations Whether it's for school, your professional life, or just about anything. other That's why presentations are some of the most useful tools for organizing and conveying information to others. Everyone creates them on a regular... Read More .

Here is Microsoft's official video introduction to the platform:

Referring to your creation as a Sway seems strange, but I'm sure it's something that will grow on you and its own verb over time.

Sway will work as an authoring app in the same way as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, but with a greater emphasis on sharing, networking, and content. Following Microsoft's transition under the leadership of Satya Nadella, Sway fits the bill, embracing its new(ish) ethos of “Mobile First, Cloud First,” functioning as an app and a service simultaneously.

Additionally, there has already been open talk of a native iOS Sway app, further extending the once insular focused approach into other ecosystems, further engaging users across the operating system spectrum.

Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft

Why did Microsoft create Sway?

PowerPoint is continually criticized for its stale and dusty feel. Meanwhile, web-based contenders are on the rise. Prezi resides with an estimated 50 million users. SlideShare engages another 58 million individual users per month. That's 108 million people Microsoft hopes to attract with Sway.

What does an Influence do Actually do?

Sway could be considered PowerPoint 4 Great Browser-Based Alternatives to PowerPoint 4 Great Browser-Based Alternatives to PowerPoint Did you know that people still use presentation software for work purposes? It is true! In this age of always-on cloud connectivity, there are more and more browser-based solutions. You don't even need to have PowerPoint installed on your... Read More about pills, or Prezi on Ritalin:Center the main attributes of the creation, slideshow platform in a concise, cloud-based, nearly WYSIWYG-compliant editor. .

In other words, you edit the document, then preview it. Edits are hidden from view, but you can see the content transition as you make edits. You can't edit the Sway directly, except modify the Showcase settings; read for details!

Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft

Here are a couple of examples exploring the formatting, layouts, and content curation available on Sway:

Format, layout and fonts

Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft

Sway is an all in one package. In its current preview state, the range of layouts and fonts is restricted, though there are indications of additional options to come.

Deciding whether to scroll your Sway vertically or horizontally is up to the user, depending on the content being delivered. Similarly, there are a variety of fonts and styles available for the user to choose from, though this is currently limited, with other options labeled "coming soon," including the intriguing "Hero" mode.

Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft

And all else failing, if your mind is full of design inspiration, Microsoft saw fit to include a “Remix” button. Once you've dropped your media, text, and any links into your Sway, users can hit “Remix” to do just that—see how Microsoft Sway redesigns your content. Keep hitting “Remix” and you experience the current range of sway capabilities.

Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft


The content is currently a mixed experience, as one would expect with a product still in private preview. Sometimes, Sway performs admirably. Groups of uploaded images are automatically stacked and sorted, allowing you to reformat an entire section with just a few clicks. All media types can be assigned under the Sway “Showcase” settings:

• Average - 1 star

• More - 2 stars

• Most - 3 stars

Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft

Showcase settings are located under the star icon that appears next to each slide in the Sway. Each setting provides the selected content prominence on your Sway and is useful for altering the aesthetic flow of your Sway.

Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft

However, in terms of content curation there are several problems. Drag and drop of media is not currently supported for external sources, although once the content is uploaded, you can move it around to your heart's content. Several potential images were horribly resized before even assigning a "showcase" setting, rendering some unusable. This practice also distorts any text contained in an image, and without current guidelines for sizes (both pixel and file size), you may find that your prized 3-star image is, in fact, a pixelated granite. /P>

Cross Platform

Sway is designed to be mobile, cloud-based What is the cloud? What is the cloud? Cloud. It is a term that is used a lot these days. What is the cloud, exactly? Read more power tool. As such, the mobile rollout has already started, albeit only for New Zealand users. Microsoft is isolating the mobile launch of Sway before the big launch, which makes good business sense. New Zealanders who engage with the mobile app also get a free preview pass to the main article, so it may be worth giving our New Zealand readers a try, but don't forget to report back on what you've found!

Here we have embedded a Sway developed by Microsoft, detailing their current plans for mobile deployment, the situation for New Zealand users, and some other tidbits of information:

What do we think of Sway?

Overall, this user was impressed. Sway has an immediate resource. Accessible content curation, layout tweaks, and presentation features give Sway the feel of a platform that can be instantly managed for a number of activities:blogging, authoring, presentations, infographics, internal communications, reporting, and more. much more..

Sways are stored in the Microsoft Azure cloud. Photos can be added and stored in a user's OneDrive app How to Disable OneDrive in a Few Clicks How to Disable OneDrive in a Few Clicks Microsoft OneDrive is built into Windows 10 and can be a drain on your system resources. Fortunately, it's easy to disable or remove. Here are several methods to remove OneDrive from your computer. Read more . Mobility, functionality, and productivity remain at the core of Satya Nadella's Microsoft vision, evidenced through this product clearly in beta.

Create cloud-based presentations with PowerPoint Destroyer Sway from Microsoft

La falta de una función de deshacer, la falta de un historial de documentos, la ausencia de un editor de imágenes nativo y la sorprendente ausencia de búsqueda de imágenes de Google o Bing siguen siendo un problema. Además, para el negocio o el informe que tenemos entre nosotros, actualmente no hay soporte para tablas o gráficos, o enlaces a datos de bases de datos Excel Vs. Acceso:¿Puede una hoja de cálculo reemplazar una base de datos? Excel Vs. Acceso:¿Puede una hoja de cálculo reemplazar una base de datos? ¿Qué herramienta debería utilizar para gestionar los datos? Access y Excel, ambos cuentan con filtrado de datos, compilación y consulta. Le mostraremos cuál es el más adecuado para sus necesidades. Read more . Sin embargo, aún es pronto para Microsoft Sway y, evidentemente, hay suficiente interés en la web para continuar con el desarrollo del producto en un momento en que Microsoft vuelve a comprometerse con sus raíces innovadoras..

¿Has usado Sway? ¿Cuáles fueron tus impresiones? Comparta sus Sways con nosotros, también queremos ver sus creaciones.!