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Sharing Office files online with

With a variety of file sharing apps available, you may have already made your choice. From the simple act of sharing on Google Drive. Google Drive Easy sign-in and file sharing Google Drive Easy sign-in and file sharing Google Drive is an online office and cloud storage service that comes with 15GB of free storage and nifty collaboration options. Here's how to access and share documents with others. Read More

But what about This handy online service from Microsoft offers extras that can take sharing to the next level. Let us show you why you should consider sharing files with!

Log in and browse

The first step to using is to sign in. You can create an account using an email address or phone number. Alternatively, you can sign in with your relevant Facebook, Microsoft, work, or school account.

Once you've logged in, you'll land on your home page with sections for journal, documents, and collections.

Sharing Office files online with

diary is a place where you can post your thoughts, ideas and stories. This is similar to a blog concept. Collections is an area to collect content you find on the web, as well as uploaded documents. To share your office files quickly and easily, Documents section is where we'll turn first.

Document Basics

Documents provides an area where you will upload your files. This is perfect for sharing documents with co-workers or team members. Select the Documents tab and then click the Publish cash register. Or click the Add New button and selection Document from the dropdown box.

Sharing Office files online with

You can drag documents onto the page, enter a URL, or import a file from your computer, OneDrive, OneNote, Office Mix, or Sway. Once you have uploaded your file, you can configure the various properties including details, visibility, and user activity options.

Sharing Office files online with

file details

To share your files, you must complete the Title, Author, and Description sections. This will help your users identify documents.


The Visibility options for most users include Public, which means the file is searchable on the Web, and Limited, which means only those with a direct link can view it. For applicable work and school accounts, an Organization option will also appear.

Here are some examples of files to share using the visibility options:

  • Public - Policy and standards documents, questionnaires, product demonstrations and instructions..
  • Limited - Private files, company documents, group projects and personal files..
  • Organization - Files belonging to the work or school account..

Sharing Office files online with

If you set the visibility to Public And change it later, there is one important thing to note. It may take several days for the item to be removed from search engine listings. So depending on your intention to share your documents, be sure to make your choice carefully.

Viewer Activities

This section of the properties allows you to decide what others allow for your document. You can check or uncheck the boxes to allow comments (via Disqus) and downloads, as well as require a login for downloads.

Save your document

The final area includes a Creative Commons attribution 3 Reasons to Change Careers to License Your Work with Creative Commons 3 Reasons to Change Careers to License Your Work with Creative Commons Think of Creative Commons as a marketing tool that can pay off big on the future . Do you license your work under it? If not, here are three strong reasons why you should. Read More When you're done, be sure to click the Save button.

Share your document

Now that your file is set up, the swap begins. You can do this in different ways.

  1. Once you've saved your document, you'll instantly see a share link at the top of the updated page.
  2. From your Home page, hover your mouse over the document and select Share . A popup box will appear with a direct link along with options to share it via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, or email.
  3. If you need to edit your file, you can also get a link on that page. In your Home page, hover your mouse over the document and select Edit . You'll see the link at the top, next to Find your content here .

Sharing Office files online with

You can then share your link with co-workers, fellow students How to Use OneNote in School:10 Tips for Students and Teachers How to Use OneNote in School:10 Tips for Students and Teachers OneNote can transform the modern classroom. Microsoft's note-taking app is designed for both students and teachers. Go ahead, organize, collaborate, and share with these tips for taking better notes. Read More Depending on your property settings (explained above), users may or may not need to log in to access the file, download it, or add comments.

Publish from your app

A new feature added to Office 2016 10 New Features in Microsoft Office 2016 to Boost Productivity 10 New Features in Microsoft Office 2016 to Boost Productivity Microsoft Office 2016 gets new features all the time. They are available first to Office Insiders and Office 365 subscribers. We show you the best new features in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook and how... Read More With your document open in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, select File> Publish . You will then see the option for with a place for the title and visibility options.

Basics of Collections

As mentioned above, the Collections section allows you to collect and share web content in addition to uploaded documents. This area is ideal for situations where you want to share a group of related items.

Select the Collections tab and then click the Create a collection cash register. Or, click the Add New button and selection Collection from the dropdown box. To add items to your created Collection, just use the red buttons inside the Collection.

Sharing Office files online with

Here are some examples of when collections can be useful.

For business

Companies can use Collections for research and development, marketing, or sales. Since including links and content found on the web is such an important part of this feature, it can be very useful to keep it all together. For example, you can upload a product specification file, a requirements document, and then add site links for market research or related data.

For the creatives

For creators like writers, artists, and authors, Collections provide a great way to showcase your work. Writers can easily include article samples and an abstract along with the sites where the work has been published.

Sharing Office files online with

Artists can take advantage of sharing their personal submissions or stories with Sway, as well as include links to galleries showcasing their work. Authors can upload excerpts from their novel, a biography file, and then include links to shopping sites to purchase their book.

For students

A group project involving research is a great example of when to use Collections. You can upload a file from your instructor, an abstract document, or project notes, and then include links to resources. This keeps everything related to the project in one place for your group to easily access.

Share your collection

To get a link to share your collection, make sure you're in the Collections tongue. Then hover over the collection and select Share . A pop-up box will appear with a direct link along with additional sharing options.

Time to give a try?

If you haven't visited to share your files, posts, or links, it's definitely worth a try. You can explore the features, enjoy the collections and upload your documents easily.

Are you already dedicated to a sharing app? 5 unique ways to upload files and share files 5 unique ways to upload files and share files quickly:send me a file! Even in 2015, file sharing isn't quite figured out. Cool Websites and Apps brings you five new file sharing tools. Read More Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!