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Two thirds of employees receive a present at Sinterklaas celebration at work

Sinterklaas not only visits home, the saintly man is also still present in the Dutch workplace. Almost half of the working people in the Netherlands (45%) celebrate at work. Sinterklaas is even more popular in the workplace with our southern neighbors, because no less than 60% of the companies pay attention to the party there. This is apparent from research by into the Sinterklaas traditions in both the Netherlands and Flanders.

Employers like to play Sinterklaas themselves:at two thirds of the Dutch companies that celebrate Sinterklaas, employees receive a present. Employers do pay attention to the small things:most spend a maximum of 10 euros per employee. Only 6% give a gift of more than 20 euros. What is also striking is that Dutch companies with younger employees (<34 years) are more inclined to celebrate Sinterklaas than companies with older employees (55+ years). At the companies where Sinterklaas is celebrated, sweets are the most chosen gift. More than half of the bosses who give a present (56%) with Sinterklaas, opt for a chocolate letter, for example. The Dutch boss prefers to choose a suitable gift for the employees himself. Only just under 12% let employees choose a gift themselves or give a voucher (3%).