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3 ways to crop a picture using Microsoft PowerPoint

It's not easy to think of Microsoft PowerPoint as an image editor, but as presentation software, it should also be a design tool to help you create those presentations. This is why you need to learn how to manipulate images and create interesting effects with your images in PowerPoint.

Let's learn three easy ways to edit your photos and images in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Method 1:Crop an image by dragging

  1. Go to the ribbon and click on Insert> Image To add an image to the slide..
  2. Right-click on the image and click the Crop button that appears at the top. Black crop handles on the edges and corners allow you to resize the image.
    3 ways to crop a picture using Microsoft PowerPoint
  3. Drag one of the handles in or out to crop the image. You can also crop equally on four sides (Press Ctrl + drag the corner handle) or trim equally on two parallel sides (Press Ctrl + drag the cropping handle on the sides). If you want, you can drag the image to refocus the area you want to keep.
  4. To crop to precise dimensions, use the Height and Width boxes next to the Crop button.
    3 ways to crop a picture using Microsoft PowerPoint
  5. Press Esc to finish or click anywhere outside the image.

Method 2:Crop an image to aspect ratio

Let's say you have a photo and you want to crop it to a square or any of the common aspect ratios. PowerPoint allows one-click cropping for various standard aspect ratios.

  1. Click and select the image on the slide.
  2. Go Image tools> Format. In the Size group, click the dropdown arrow below Crop button.
    3 ways to crop a picture using Microsoft PowerPoint
  3. Select the aspect ratio you want from the drop down menu and apply it to the image.
  4. Use the cropping rectangle to adjust the cropping area. You can also use the crop controls to adjust the final view.

Method 3:Crop an image to any shape

A shape fill can be manipulated with the Crop tool and used for interesting effects. For example, you can use a circular shape to cut out a headshot.

3 ways to crop a picture using Microsoft PowerPoint

  1. Go Insert> Shapes and select a shape from the available options. Select the drawn shape.
  2. Click Drawing Tools> Format . In the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill> Image .
  3. Browse the image you want and insert it into the shape as a shape fill.
  4. Click to select the new shape image fill.
  5. Go Image tools> Format . In the size group, click the arrow below Crop to display the two cropping options.
  6. Choose Fill or Setting .

3 ways to crop a picture using Microsoft PowerPoint

Fill matches the image to the height or width of the shape, whichever is greater. Setting sets the size of the image so that the height and width of the image match the bounds of the shape.

Just like any other crop, you can use the crop handles to adjust the position of the shape fill within the cropped shape.

PowerPoint has many solutions and is the perfect platform even if you're new to presentation design The Beginner's Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint:From Rookie to Master The Beginner's Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint:From Rookie to Master You'll need a presentation one day. This beginner's guide to Microsoft PowerPoint should give you a great start to a wonderful slide show. Read more.